“清晨入古寺,初日照高林。曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。万籁此都寂,但余钟磬音。” ——常建《题破山寺后禅院》
Early in themorning, I enter the old temple, the rising sun ointingthe lofty tree-top. Through the bamboo grove a windingpath leads to a quiet place , among flowers and tree isthe Buddhist meditation house. Birds are lively with green mountainsin the sun .While reflections in the calm pond purify man’s mind . Allother sounds, at this point seem to die down , except for the hollow temple-belltolling .
Chang Jian
The restaurantis located in Wener Road, West Lake District, Hangzhou. The jollification ofthe downtown enfolds the tranquility. The concept of garden winding path isintroduced into the dining space, where Jiangnan charm and contemporary spiritare integrated here. The image of Jiangnan courtyard is brought into the diningenvironment,which creates the atmosphere of there is room in thecourtyard, there is courtyard in the room in the space.
Man is themaster of the earth, but is also the slave of intestines and stomach. The openstall serves as a plude to the grand banquet hall and the space center. Theunenclosed partition increases the curvature of the tour line. Matched with thegray marble floor tiles, the light from the soft-lighted wall lampsconcentrates on the console and display cabinets, which looks like the mist istranspiring.So that visitors are attracted by food and color when they stroll.
It wasapplied to the space of the corridor structure which is similar to the Jiangnangarden. The atrium and courtyard surrounded by the horse corridor in the gardenare replaced by seafood open stalls and banquet halls, one small and the otherlarge, respectively.
The artinstallation gallery in the public veranda connects the dry landscape of sandand stone with pine and bamboo forests, while the modified wooden decorativecolumn is combined with the mirrored ceiling, which extends the spatial depthand expands the spatial interface visually.
Thedecorative columns of the corridor which is made by cross steel columns arecovered by wood, the bottom of which is contrary to the traditional gardenveranda foundation form where the internal steel structure is exposed, and thebottom is embedded with lights to create a light shape.
The color ofthe whole space changes from quiet to bustling from the entrance to the banquethall. The banquet hall adopts a large area of pink patterned carpets, and thegray tablecloths and white ceilings are dyed in light red, which creates a deepcontrast atmosphere with the entrance hall.
The driedflowers hanging upside down in the rest area and the green plants under theflowers are also a kind of memory images of the south of the Yangtze River,where the river flowers bloom, the cold moon is silent, and the heart is singing.
The private diningroom is inspired by the study of Jiangnan with foil-rolled half-windows whereyou can experience as if stays quietly in a scholarly courtyard with thesurrounding scenery of the verdant dew and the faint morning mist.Indulging innature while experience time flows quietly.
Based onseveral Shese Mogu landscape paintings (Shese refers to acategory of Chinese landscape, Mogu refers to a color modulation way),it shows the exquisite, transparency and slim Jiangnan courtyard view.It islike experiencing in the long corridor surrounding the pavilion with longwindows in the lake in the painting when you walking in the roaming path of thecorridor of the curved courtyard, which coincides with the overall spaceexperience.
The ornamentof red leather sofa adds a bright color to the silent space and shapes thehigh-level sense of space. It is like the pomegranate encountered in the greenscreen of Jiangnan backyard, and the red umbrella that you encountered in thelane.
The grooveson the wall of the banquet hall, embedded with light bars, and the light issprinkled on the mountain sculptures, as if reflecting the blur of the sky andthe river. The top of the mountain is dotted with golden color. To some extent,it is similar with turning the stone into gold. The ethereal mountain color andcloud shadow float together, echoing the landscape painting on the wall, conveysthe tranquility and mystery of Eastern Zen.
树影婆娑下, 觥筹交错间, 食客如同徜徉于都市园林中,交谈,会友,舒心,在自然人文与艺术和谐共处的概念里,体悟纯质简单、归元至一的意境美。
Under theshadows of the trees, the diners are like walking in the urban garden,chatting, meeting friends, and feeling comfortable. In the concept of theharmonious coexistence of nature, humanities and art, they could realize thebeauty of pure, simple, and unified artistic conception.
设计团队:蒋建宇李水 李珍贵 舒凯荣 史伟文
大相艺术设计公司 负责人
大相莲花空间艺术设计公司 负责人
中国美术学院 艺术硕士
金堂奖2013年度:十佳餐饮空间设计、 十佳酒店空间设计、十佳别墅设计
[大相设计]1999年起步杭州,团队专注于林泉美学语境下的精品餐厅、酒店、文化性建筑的空间设计及陈设设计的实践和研究,追求东方文化背景下的空间意境表达,强调空间与环境的交融、与商业的平衡。2011年设立[大相莲花] ,探寻陈设配饰的设计与零售,作品倡导东方美学的体与用,器与境,意在传递东方美学生活方式。
设计理念:因借林泉 师法自然 回归 沉静安宁。
蒋建宇 李水 董元军 郑小华 楼婷婷(陈设) 虞华明