明亮开敞的中心空间 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼住宅入口,隐于城市密集区 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼轴测图,多个空间的集合体 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼明亮开敞的中心空间 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼朝向室外花园 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼花墙装点庭院 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼阳光自顶棚投向室内 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼餐厅 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼通往砖房的门洞 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼地面材质细节 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼空间材质拼贴 ©51N4E
▼不同元素的搭配营造和谐的空间氛围, ©Maxime Delvaux
▼淡绿色的墙及轻盈的混凝土楼梯 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼装饰细节 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼从室内私密空间看向开敞的大厅 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼住宅后窗 ©Maxime Delvaux
▼通向后门的小路 ©Maxime Delvaux
project name: Room in the city location: Drinkwaterstraat 12, 3000 Leuven, Belgium programme: reorganization of a single family house. built surface: 300 m² budget:undisclosed design period: 2013 – 2014 construction period: 2014 – 2016 Project authors: 51N4E partners Johan Anrys, Freek Persyn, 51N4E team; Jan Haerens ; Charlotte Schmidt; Jolein Bergers copyright images :51N4E (collages/ renderings) Client; private Garden design: Plant- en Houtgoed, Engineers structural engineering: Util, Frans Leenaerts, Brussels , Belgium EPB: iVec, Leuven, Belgium