AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

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Welcome to the ultimate fusion of movement and style – the biggest Lululemon flagship store in the world. Located in the heart of Shanghai, this visual wonder isn’t just a store; it’s a full-blown experience and a tribute to the beauty of being on the move.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

 From  ©Dirk Weiblen



Capturing the Spirit of Motion

A flagship store should embody the brand’s core identity and connect with the city it calls home. In this particular setting, the brand, centered around a global community and a mission of promoting “daily movement,” is engaging with one of the most active cities worldwide. Through this project, our aim is to capture this compelling duality: the vibrant city’s constant hustle and the physical engagement of its residents.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

 From  ©Dirk Weiblen




Dynamism Unveiled: A Living Canvas as the Facade

The building doesn’t just invite you in; it’s an ever-changing canvas that captures the spirit of motion. As you walk by, you’ll encounter a powerful moment that activates not only the store, but also the street. The facade, reviving the traditional lululemon pattern through the transparency of its colossal, curved glass window allow people on the street to witness the ebb and flow of activity within the store, primarily through the grand staircase. This interaction between the store’s interior and exterior world creates a dynamic and powerful sense of motion that resonates with the brand’s essence.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

 From  ©Dirk Weiblen




A Playful Spatial Choreography

When you venture inside, the iconic Lululemon pattern transforms into a more energetic and engaging expression. This captivating shift is embodied by a series of dynamic extrusions that playfully interact with the store’s spatial layout. They traverse across the walls and even extend to the ceiling, embracing both levels of the store before subtly fading into the background.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

From  ©Dirk Weiblen

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融


This intriguing transformation isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a carefully orchestrated design that choreographs movement as an organizational flow. As customers explore the space, they’ll find that the sinuous, fluid walls curving through the store serve as more than mere architectural elements – they act as companions, guiding people through the store, encouraging them to navigate the space with a sense of energy and purpose. While shopping for activewear, people embrace the very spirit of motion that Lululemon embodies. A retail adventure where design and movement intertwine, transforming the act of shopping into an engaging and dynamic experience.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融From  ©Dirk Weiblen

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融




Lululemon has always been about more than just clothing; it’s about bringing people together and building connections. With this new flagship store, we, in collaboration with Lululemon, have imagined a gathering place where movement is celebrated, design is a constant source of inspiration, and community is held dear.

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融

AIM | Lululemon上海旗舰店:运动、设计和社群的共融






设计总监:Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf

项目建筑师:安有珍, 郭鹏

设计团队:Alba Galan, 瞿丰瑜, 王嘉陈, 雷曌华, Victor Mongin, 贾文昭, 陆可贤

软装团队:Lili Cheng,戴维莎


灯光设计:LPA 照明设计

摄影:Dirk Weiblen


Client: Lululemon Athletica Trading (Shanghai) Ltd.

Location: Kerry Center Shanghai, China

GFA: 1,041sqm

Completion: Interior Design: March 2023; Façade: August 2023

Design Scope: Interior renovation, Facade

Design Principals: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf

Project Architect: Youjin An, Jerry Guo

Design Team: Alba Galan, Caddie, Emilio Wang Chen, Mia Lei, Victor Mongin, Wenzhao Jia, Kexian

FF&E Team: Lili Cheng, Weisha Dai

General Contractor: Beatrix Space Design

Lighting Consultant: LPA

Photography: Dirk Weiblen

Copywriter: AIM Architecture




2023-11-23 20:07:10


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