马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

总部位于巴塞罗那的室内设计事务所 Astet Studio 在设计高雅餐厅方面享有盛誉,这些餐厅在美学上体现了精致的美食特色。在设计位于西班牙太阳海岸马贝拉的 Nota Blu 餐馆时,工作室从主厨 Fabián Canga 对传统法式菜肴和地中海风味菜肴的现代诠释中汲取灵感,其设计语言的灵感来源于手工艺遗产、悠闲的魅力和法国里维埃拉不挑剔的优雅。有机形态和曲线细节与大地色调、天然材料和触感纹理相结合,使空间充满了物质感和工艺感。与此同时,有机图案和几何图案的切分交错传递出一种动态的俏皮感,向爵士乐中著名的 “蓝调”(为表达目的而演奏的非主调音符)致敬,而这家拥有 400 个座位的餐厅正是以 “蓝调 “命名的。

Barcelona-based interior design practice Astet Studio has a reputation for designing elevated restaurants that aesthetically channel their gastronomical profile in sophistication. For Nota Blu, a brasserie in Marbella on Spain’s Costa del Sol, the Studio took its cues from Chef Fabián Canga’s modern take on traditional French cuisine and Mediterranean-inflected dishes embracing a design language that is inspired by artisanal heritage, laidback charm and the unfussy elegance of the French Riviera. Organic forms and curvilinear details are combined with earthy hues, natural materials and tactile textures to imbue the space with a soulful sense of materiality and craftsmanship. At the same time, the syncopated interlay of organic and geometric patterns conveys a dynamic playfulness as a nod to jazz music’s famous “blue notes” (off key notes that are played for expressive purposes) wherefrom the 400-seat brasserie takes its name.

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力


Access to the restaurant is a rather ceremonial affair courtesy of the venue’s Andalusian architecture; after crossing a olive tree-lined reflecting pond inside a walled courtyard, patrons step through a monumental double-height portal to find themselves in an impressive vestibule where interlocking wooden arches create a ribbed vault passage. There, installations crafted from dry leaves cascade down from the ceiling amplifying the sense of wonder and further setting the tone for the nature-inspired flourishes in the interior design further inside. From there, isitors are led into a bright and airy dining area wrapped in floor-to-ceiling glazing that can be opened to extend the space onto a spacious terrace overlooking the mountains.

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

Nota Blu 的主厅采用乳白色调和天然木材,并引入蜿蜒曲折的长椅,将空间分割成一个个小 “岛屿”,给人以温暖而亲切的感觉。无定形的木材包覆部分、树叶装置和枝状黄铜吊灯将天花板变成了一幅流动的海景画,与座椅布局和石板铺就的地板上的抽象图案交相辉映。从定制宴会椅和座椅的圆润造型、棕褐色皮革和米白色织物的华美装饰,到形状优美的鸡尾酒吧和开放式厨房柜台,曲线美的细节比比皆是。两个吧台和厨房柜台采用卡拉卡塔维奥拉大理石和胡桃木制作,并饰有黄铜细节,形成了一个魁梧的雕塑背景,餐厅围绕着它们有机地展开。

Nota Blu’s main hall feels warm and intimate thanks to a soothing palette of cream hues and natural wood as well as the introduction of sinuous banquette seating that divides the space into small “islands”. Amorphous timber-clad sections, foliage installations and branch-like brass chandeliers turn the ceiling into a fluid seascape in reflection of the seating layout and the abstract patterns of the stone-paved floor. Curvaceous details abound, from the rounded forms of the bespoke banquettes and chairs, sumptuously upholstered in tan leather and off-white fabrics, to the shapely cocktail bar and open-kitchen counters. Crafted in Calacatta Viola marble and walnut wood, and decorated with brass details, the two bar and kitchen counters create a strapping sculptural backdrop around which the dining room organically unfolds.

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

主餐厅和毗邻的用餐露台由一个玻璃封闭的酒窖(可作为一个拥有 10 个座位的私人餐厅)和一个披着薄纱的梦幻钢琴吧相辅相成。在简约与精致、有序与抽象之间徘徊,Nota Blu 餐厅的大小空间交响乐般的组合给客人带来了引人入胜的体验,而这还不是在品尝餐厅风味浓郁的现代地中海菜肴之前。

The main dining hall and adjoining dining terrace are complemented by a glass-enclosed wine cellar that doubles as a 10-seat private dining room, and a dreamy piano bar draped in sheer fabrics. Tiptoeing between simplicity and sophistication, and order and abstraction, Nota Blu’s symphonic composition of larger and smaller spaces makes, if anything else, for an intriguing guest experience and that’s even before tasting the brasserie’s flavour-rich, modern-Mediterranean menu.

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力

马贝拉的 Nota Blu 啤酒店通过有机形式和丰富的物质性焕发活力





完工:2022 年 10 月

Photography © Francisco Nogueira.



2023-1-7 21:15:03



2023-12-3 13:35:12

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