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Storeage creates new retail design for B+Tube cosmetics in China.
上海,2020 年 11 月 16 日 – 分部位于中国上海的荷兰 Storeage 零售设计事务所与 B+Tube 油罐团队紧密合作,打造该品牌的首家美妆集合旗舰店。区别于传统化妆品行业, 此次设计旨在通过极具表现力的视觉效果触达年轻消费者,在实体空间中贯通线上线下渠 道,打造智能交互购物体验,通过传递生活美学与美业资讯激发年轻消费者对自我及美感 的探索及释放。
Shanghai, November 16 th , 2020 – Storeage, the Shanghai based Dutch retail design agency, worked closely with the team from B+Tube cosmetics to create their first flagship store. With it’s striking iridescent archways the store aims to connect to teenagers looking for a more expressive and colorful approach to cosmetics. And in line with the teens shopping behavior, the store introduces ample room to interact with social media to facilitate online to offline shopping.
B+Tube 油罐丰富的产品囊括护肤、彩妆、个人护理、首饰、旅行、家居生活等不同品类。 围绕“美的自由释放”,B+Tube 油罐希望将年轻一代的生活态度引入中国美妆行业,并 融合新一代消费者熟悉的线上线下多渠道购物方式。
B+Tube collection of beauty products ranges from skincare, make-up, travel and lifestyle products, all focused around the idea of freedom of expression. The brand wanted to introduce a new and young attitude to the cosmetic retail landscape, aimed at teenagers and asked Storeage to design a store concept that was fitting the brand and would integrate different ways of shopping.
设计灵感“浸没”来源于中国古老谚语“老鼠掉入米缸”,打造全身心浸没的宠溺感,并 希望年轻消费者在此发掘并释放属于自己的美。“美的自由释放”在视觉上转换成无限延 伸的形状和色彩,Storeage 为整个空间选择了彩虹炫彩冲孔板这一极其吸引眼球的新型材 料,在空间中搭建了一个由“油罐”变形而来的教堂结构,定义整个空间的视觉中心。
The design pays tribute to an old Chines proverb of the mouse that fell into a rice jar. It is the analogy of being fully immersed in all the choices the brand wants to offer teenagers to express themselves. Translating that freedom of expression into design, Storeage chose iridescent perforated steel as the eye catching material throughout the space.
Applying the iridescent to a cathedral like structure in the centre of the space the agency organized the lay-out around 3 basic principles of cosmetics: cleansing, foundation and make-up. Each direction comes with an education center, with tutorials and videos, illustrating how to best apply the different products and in return allowing consumers to shop complementing ones from these videos for alternative expressions or better suited products for their skin.
With it’s double layer of perforations, walking inside of the cathedral, feels like being immersed in colorful water, another hint at the abundance of choice this brand has to offer.
“我们希望鼓励年轻消费者表达自己关于美的想法,自己喜欢的颜色、形状、质感,但同 时注意不要以付出健康的肌肤为代价。” Lisa Yu,B+Tube 油罐的创始人兼 CEO 说到。 基于这样的品牌理念,整个店面设计的大基调也体现出干净、安全的空间光感和质感。在 半封闭的护肤区,大面积地运用了拉丝银色不锈钢和白色亚克力,平衡展示层次的同时营 造如实验室般的高科技氛围。同时 B+Tube 在产品选择上,除了利用 AI 技术抓取国际上 最新流行趋势,同时也极度关注美妆及护肤产品的科学研发及对于肌肤的临床安全测试。
As Lisa Yu, the founder and CEO of B+Tube puts it: “We want to encourage a younger Chinese generation to expression themselves in whatever shape or color they prefer, yet never at the expense of a healthy skin.” Following this thinking the perimeter of the store is rather clean and laboratory like, using brushed metal and white corian. It emphasises the fact B+Tube will not carry any cosmetic or skincare brand without doing it’s proper research on the effect of those products on your skin.
全店面积为 218 平米,中央的教堂结构大概占据了 33% 的面积。店铺外圈围绕着试妆台、 美妆小样吧台、VIP 直播空间及带有传送轨道的取货区,区域中漂浮着彩虹炫彩的圆形亚 克力片,相互折射着层次多变的光影。
The store measures 218 sqm, and the center archway takes up roughly 33% of that. The perimeter of the store features a private, in person consultation room and a beauty bar, with the iridescent circles floating above it. Towards the front of the store the travel products are presented.
“在这里关于美的咨询、产品、感知、体验,从四面八方涌向你,包围你,宠溺你。源源不断、 绵绵不绝,犹如沉浸于美的原料罐。我们希望来到 B+Tube 油罐的消费者感受启发和鼓舞, 去生活中填充自我认可的时尚和美。”Storeage 亚太区合伙人康力诠释到。
“The product, the information, the experiences, the enjoyment, everything about beauty is rushing you from all, surrounds you and spoils you, continuously. As if you drown in beauty. So even when leaving this store, the consumer will feel inspired to live life full, in whatever way or fashion they fancy.” Kang Li, the director of Storeage China adds.
Storesize 店铺面积 : 218 m2
Location 店铺地点 : Changsha, China 中国长沙
Photographer 摄影师 : Wen Studio
Storeage(室拓)是一家总部设于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的零售设计事务所,成立于 2000 年, 聚集了零售设计界最顶尖的建筑设计师、空间设计师、平面设计师、交互设计师、互动交 流专家以及品牌推广专家。基于对品牌以及消费者的深刻研究理解,Storeage 协助全球品 牌客户提升品牌形象、优化零售体验、解决商业诉求。合作客户涵盖各行业头部品牌,如 Nike 耐克、Adidas 阿迪达斯、HP 惠普、可口可乐、中国李宁、京东、T-Mobile、匡威、 Asics、Johnnie Walker 等。
Storeage is a retail design agency with a diverse team of interior architects, product designers, graphic and UX designers with a joined mission to explore space. Brand space that in the end will result in mind space that in the end results in selling space. Storeage works with a select group of international and local clients such as Nike, Adidas, Converse, LiNing, Asics, Levi’s, Johnnie Walker, Coca-Cola, T-Mobile, pHin.co, JD.com. The agencies current work is strongly focused on the integrated design of physical and digital space.