项目立于天府新区锦江东,此地作为成都西南丝绸之路的起点,设计以被烙印这座城的历史民俗为创作灵感。PURE DESIGN通过场域营造、故事关联,赋予了售楼空间极大可能性,让参观者与被参观者以文化回归的视角,重现当地的民俗风情与人文情怀。 The project is located in the east of Jinjiang in Tianfu New Area, the starting point of Chengdus Southwest Silk Road. The design is inspired by the history and folklore of the city. Pure Design, through site construction and story association, endows the sales space with great possibilities, allowing visitors and visitors to reproduce local folk customs and humanistic feelings from the perspective of cultural regression.
The entrance hall begins, and stories are born. The design is based on the famous poem Happy Rain on Spring Night, which is popular among the people: See the red wet place by dawn, and the flowers are heavy in Jinguan City, which opens the plude to the return of Jincheng in the Land of Plains. Repsent the flower of spring scenery, Hongyan is about to drop, in continuous dai mountain, like the Jin Guan city after the rain, a riot of red, happy feeling arises spontaneously.
The front hall is enclosed with a screen to introduce a mysterious walk-in experience. Against the background of Qishan Flower City, the transparent screen with tea aroma and pomegranate elements creates a hazy scene like Jincheng after rain.
沙盘区运用抽象线条打破物象意义的羁绊,以简洁、干净回应现代人的理性、克制。设计借藤蔓花枝的生动真实,重现锦官城的朴实、繁华。来自英国的雕塑作品Nick Moran现代而充满力量,呈现的秩序美,宛如成都固有的繁花霖霖与绽放盛貌。
The sand table area uses abstract lines to break the fetters of the meaning of images, responding to the rationality and restraint of modern people with simplicity and cleanness. The design borrows the vivid reality of the vine flowers and branches to reproduce the simple and prosperous Jinguan City. Nick Moran, a sculpture from the UK, is modern and powerful, psenting the beauty of order, just like the abundant flowers and blooming beauty inherent in Chengdu.
The design of the negotiation area, according to the pattern of the space to Qiang flute a song of the Silk Road, Huma Millennium multicolor strings echo the pvious scene impssion, ancient horse Shu wind, do not have a lasting appeal. Independent and orderly layout, as if place oneself in the jungle, smell silk and bamboo, know the fragrance of flowers, qingyi leisurely.
The water bar platform continues the modern and rational design of the hall. The design studies the interaction of light and texture, and the blend and collision between the unusual materials, creating the space charm with unique Chengdu urban characteristics.
The reason why folk elements have been continued up to now and become the creative inspiration of the creators is that they can arouse vivid and real emotional resonance. The most wonderful part of the space is that the design combines various forms of Shu brocade with modern art techniques and integrates them into the space scene. It seems that there is nothing in it.
A space, because of the injection of regional culture, urban life and have a different story. Chengdu Luyue House Sales Office, as a space for commercial space display and communication, the design bears the dual expssion of artistic attributes and functions at the same time. All kinds of people gather here, exchanging, communicating and colliding with each other, thus creating a real and vivid brand of the city in the evolution of The Times.
平面布置图/Floor plan
项目名称 | 成都麓玥府售楼处 The project name | he foothill in chengdu office floor 项目面积 | 1137㎡ Project area | 1137 ㎡ 设计公司 | 深朴悦设计 Design company | deep PiaoYue design 硬装设计 | 郭子伟、彭清文、夏浩 Hard outfit design | Guo Ziwei, Peng Qingwen, Xia Hao 软装设计 | 罗娜、林婷、刘路 Soft outfit design | rona, Lin Ting, Liu Lu 设计材料 | 铂斯昆仑石材、千雪灰石材、法国灰石材、莫奈灰石材、木饰面、深古铜不锈钢等 Design materials | platinum, kunlun stone, qian snow grey stone, French grey stone, monet grey stone, wood veneer, deep bronze stainless steel, etc 甲方机构 | 四川福润投资 Party organizations | f embellish investment in sichuan province 完成时间 | 2019.12 Completion time | 2019.12 摄 影 | 三像摄 张静 Shadow | taken three photograph like zhang jing 深朴悦设计(PURE DESIGN)(原朴悦设计),总部设于深圳,上海设立分公司。专注于精品室内设计,为国内外高端客户提供一体化的室内设计及软装定制服务,业务涉及酒店会所、营销中心、豪华别墅、精装样板间等设计领域。 经过几年来的发展,公司已拥有完善、先进的合伙人制度及设计管理制度,凭借稳定的团队、专业的执行,将设计创意与项目实践相结合,为客户提供高品质的服务保障。公司一直放眼国际视野、立足中国本土,在保持自我理念的同时,严谨、智慧地成就客户。目前已与万科、华润、保利、龙湖、正荣、东原、新希望、中海、佳兆业等一线开发商达成长期、稳定的合作关系。