安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

项目地点 | 福州

项目名称 | 恒鸿达

项目面积 | 311㎡

设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

The courtyard is located in the software park and has a wide field of vision corresponding to the mountains to the south. The courtyard area is about 311 square meters, with the view stone, flowing water and green plants as the focal point of view, creating a kind of natural and wild interest of mountain spring forest pool.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

Entering the house into the front yard, one can see the flowing water created by the stone landscape.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

In order to match the Pool Waterscape, the main line of the courtyard is based on the slate, cobble as a supplement, overlapping progressive, the scenery overlapping, so that the park on the coordination and unity. At the same time also matched with a leisure chair, forming a space of degrees of tightness.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

The whole courtyard with the background of the Atrium as a boundary, do regular division, and try to break the conventional symmetrical layout, with a subtle spatial approach to step-by-step landscape as the central design ideas.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

To The west of the courtyard is the viewing area, where a shaded pavilion casts a pleasant reflection on the ground.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

Stone Base continues to sink-type Leisure area, sink-type card seats enriched the level of the space, card seats edge planting flowers and shrubs, add its sense of security, the Front for the landscape stone, green plants, water, as well as the main view of the formation of the mountains in the east.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

Walk to the Atrium, the foot is around the Feng Shui Stone to create the water landscape, trickling water and green sand whirling sound mutual integration, make life fun and comfortable.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》

The eastern part of the Atrium houses a dining room, a tea room and a recreational sports area, as well as a kitchen. Through the suspension rail sliding door to divide the area, when needs the meeting, the sliding door opens is a large conference room. You can open, you can close, you can move.

安定案例 | 遇见《伊甸园》



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