
一半风雅,一半烟火 简单方为极致

安静内敛的纯粹之美,成为设计师段美伊和屋主对于理想居住空间的内心共鸣。侘寂美学凝聚自然精致格调,温暖木色回归自然与初心。美是一种状态,也是一份源自内心的静谧。 Quiet inside the pure beauty of the collect, become stylist paragraph of the United States Yi and house advocate to the inner resonance of ideal living space. Wabi sabi aesthetics embodies the delicate style of nature and warms the wood color to return to nature and the original intention. Beauty is a state of being and a serenity that comes from within.


入户处一面玄关墙遮住视线,将屋内景物“藏”于身后,纵深感神秘蔓延,满足了中国人自古注重户内隐私、含蓄内敛的文化气质。 A porch wall in the door covers the line of sight, the scene inside the house hidden at the back, deep feeling of mystery spad, satisfied the Chinese people since ancient times to pay attention to the privacy inside the door, implicit inside the cultural temperament of the collection.


从玄关墙两侧皆可入室,客厅餐厅连接带来开阔明亮视野,情绪在空间的流动转折中不禁先抑后扬,波澜起伏。玄关墙的背面以横侧板插接方式营造轻盈透气感,设计师对精致的把握往往体现在这细微之处。 All can enter a room from both sides of porch wall, sitting room dining-room joins to bring open and bright visual field, mood can not help in the flow turning point of the space restrain first after rise, waves rise and fall. The back of porch wall is inserted with transverse side board to build lightsome breathable feeling, stylist is right delicate grasp often reflect in this subtle place.


柔和与温暖成为空间的态度。艺术漆肌理与实木餐桌传递简约大气,酒精真火壁炉增加了生活的仪式感,一家人围坐在这里,在地灯与灯带的交错掩映下惬意聊天。弧线型沙发和玻璃茶几,将多一份女性的柔美置于空间里。 Softness and warmth are the attitude of space. Ar-tistic lacquer texture and solid wood table convey simple atmosphere. The alcohol real fire fireplace adds a sense of ritual to life, where the family sits and chats comfortably under the interlaces of floor lights and light bands. Arc sofa and glass tea table, place the soft beauty of a female more in the space.



艺术玻璃屏风置于客厅和茶室之间,轻快现代的设计手法打造精致韵味,一束阳光洒过,绿植虚实呼应,为空间带来多一份层次感。 Art glass screen is placed between the living room and the teahouse, light and modern design techniques to create delicate lasting charm, a bunch of sunshine sprinkled, green plants echo, bring a sense of hierarchy for the space.


茶室拥有家中最好的采光位置,搭配统一的暖木色,将清雅天趣发挥极致。一书一墨一天地,一雨一茶一闲情,高背椅与塌错落有致,主客皆坐共饮,从来佳茗似佳人。从茶室延伸至L型地台,开阔的阳台视野成为滤去浮躁静观内心的完美空间。 Teahouse has the best lighting position in the home, and the warm wood color with a unified collocation will give full play to the elegance of the day. One ink a day, a rain, a tea, a leisurely mood, high-backed chair and collapse streamed at random have sent, the host and guests all sit to drink, never good tea like a beautiful woman. Extending from the teahouse to the L-shaped terrace, the wide balcony view becomes the perfect space to filter out the impetuous contemplation of the heart.



灰色的加入凝聚了主卧的静谧感,胡桃木原木质床头暗藏灯光,与吊灯上的自然元素彼此呼应,安静的夜晚氤氲出丝丝睡意。 Of grey joined condense the quiet feeling that advocate lie, the head of a bed of walnut original woodiness hides light, with the natural element on droplight each other echo, quiet night dense gives filar silk drowsiness.


主卫采用了窄边框包铜的夹丝玻璃,形成与主卧之间的互动,浪漫氛围在隐而未现中蔓延开来。木隔扇顶搭配暗黑系石材,深色调尽显纯粹与宁静。 Advocate defends the sandwicate glass that used narrow frame to wrap copper, form with advocate the interaction between lying, romantic atmosphere is in hide and did not show in spad. The top of the wooden partition fan is matched with dark black stone, which is pure and tranquil in deep tones.


格局之内,材质、纹理、家具、装饰精妙组合,减法美学让家的意境层次有递进有转折,自在有趣。 Within the pattern, the material, texture, furniture, decoration exquisite combination, subtraction aesthetics let the artistic conception level of the home has a progressive turn, comfortable and interesting.






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