极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

John Pawson

意大利West Hollywood EDITION

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

这座位于意大利伦巴第平原的顶层公寓,可以从远处看到阿尔卑斯山壮观的白雪皑皑的链条,它是当地的设计师Pelizzari Studio为一对想表达对艺术的热爱的企业家设计的。他们的主要需求是一种有内在化的氛围,可以与现代艺术收藏或当代艺术作品进行对话。

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

Mesura Architecture

西班牙Casa Ter

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

位于西班牙加泰罗尼亚的一座混凝土石头房子Casa Ter是由当地的建筑事务所Mesura设计的。L形住所被一个室外露台一分为二,该露台沿着一侧并延伸至末端,形成了一个有盖的室内外居住空间。脚踏实地的台阶导致通往加泰罗尼亚农村连绵起伏的田野的长长的游泳池。这座房子以附近的Ter River命名,其河岸的石头已被用于建造房子。

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

Alessandro Moriconi

巴黎Parisian Doctor’s Office

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

这个令人惊叹的巴黎医生办公室是由巴黎创意总监Alessandro Moriconi为Antoni Calmon设计的。Alessandro Moriconi把这个空间想象成是一个米兰式公寓,将水磨石,胡桃木镶板和穆拉诺玻璃,图形地毯,大理石桌子以及诸如希腊罗马雕塑和编织玻璃门把手之类的装饰品组合在一起。它被描述为“不仅仅是一个地方:它是一种体验,注入了幸福,一个独特的时刻带来了独特的空间”。

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

Claudio Silvestrin

巴黎P Apartment Paris

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

P Apartment Paris的目的是超越“设计”,进入艺术领域。艺术不是被视为可移动的事物/物体,而是被视为永久的空间/装置。250平方米的主要特点 空间是一个长13 m的铸造青铜岛,重量为4,000 Kg(被视为水平方尖碑),与可俯瞰蒙田大道的全玻璃北/西立面平行延伸。进入公寓时,人们被埃菲尔铁塔的景色所吸引,而埃菲尔铁塔的景色则被小教堂般的窗户框住。在相距31 m的两个相对极处,火和水彼此镜像。灯具,照明和家具的每一项都是由Claudio Silvestrin设计的。

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

Studio George

悉尼Bronte Residence

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

位于澳大利亚悉尼的一座典型的沿海住宅,由当地的室内设计工作室Studio George和Mary Ellen Hudson设计。Bronte Residence重新定义了典型的沿海方言,雕刻自己的美学和折衷的色调,以回应其建筑形式。Studio George和Mary Ellen Hudson设计了住宅的自然曲线和宽敞的体量,为业主表达了个人身份。Bronte Residence无视其沿海位置,采用了一种不那么典型的美学方法,以折衷的色调和纹理的家。

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta

极致之墅专题合辑-TOP Villas of the world!nta



2021-2-26 11:13:26



2021-2-26 17:09:28

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