室内.专栏:Hao 100 Barclay
Ralph Walker
Ralph Walker
Magnum Real Estate Group
作为纽约的天际线,100 Barclay拥有卓越的地理位置,可俯瞰自由女神像与哈德逊河。
As the New York Skyline, 100 Barclay has a prime location overlooking the Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River.
The exterior walls were restored by DXA and GRAD, and the details of the red brick and stone were pserved.
In addition to the interior decorative Art is also retained, art-Deco elements have become one of the characteristics of luxury homes, with a sense of history that modern luxury homes cannot match.
公区-会所/Public district – club
100 Barclay penhouse售价高达 4000 万美金,约合人民币 2.7 亿,奢华的空间艺术调性十足。
The 100 Barclay Penhouse, which sells for up to $40 million, or about 270 million yuan, is a luxury space art that is tonal.
特色公寓/Characteristics of apartment
平面图 | Floor Plan