超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

来自日本的Six N. Five当代设计工作室是一个专门从事静物画面和视频用干净和现代美学;除了致力于广告、编辑和视频佣金,他们还发现时间创建实验工作合法化cgi作为创造性的自我表达的新媒介。精制的想象力,诗歌作品,前卫的思想和时尚的技能使工作室在其结果的唯一性和纯度。

Six N. Five is a contemporary design studio specialising in still life visuals and videos with a clean and modern aesthetic; Apart from working on advertising, editorial and video commissions, they also find time to create experimental work which is legitimising cgi as a new medium for creative self-expssion. Their refined imagination, poetic compositions, edgy minds and sleek skills makes the studio a hit in the uniqueness and purity of its results.

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作



Inspired by the Japanese gardens and their architecture,amazed by the cleanliness and beauty they have, we tookall the references that we collected for a while, and we

tried to make our interptation of this.

The Japanese Garden series combines classical elements of

elements such as perfectly pruned trees, birch wood accents, and

Japanese architecture with stylized flora to create scenes that

overcast mountain landscapes. The result was these surreal and

perfectly capture the cultures desire for simplicity. Portraying the

pleasant compositions surrounded by green and nature.

minimal, surreal, and tranquil atmosphere of Japan, we tried tocarry a consistent design language throughout each image using

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作

超现实庭园设计,日式与极简美学的融合 Six N. Five新作


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68㎡ 高级灰设计,灯光这样搭配才有格调

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