W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力


W.DESIGN无间设计有限公司是WS 世尊设计机构旗下享有声誉的知名室内设计公司,公司由多位国际顶级室内设计师为设计董事联合创立,拥有的一批高素质资深设计师组成的国际化合作团队。

W.DESIGN is a well-known interior design company under the wing of the WS design agency. The company is co-founded by several international top interior designers as design directors and has an international cooperative team composed of a number of high-quality senior designers.

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力


Under the guidance of artistic conception, commercial elements and modern lifestyle are integrated together to interweave Oriental spirit and contemporary form. Based on the unique artistic space expssion of China, the fragrant hills in Beijing are red and vigorous and green to expss the space artistic conception of Ancient Times. In addition to delicate details processing techniques, so that every corner of life with lasting vitality.

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力


Fully integrated with the outdoor landscape. Extracted from the ochre color and grey-green of the West Mountain, it is dotted in the calm space of weak contrast. The super-scale arc copper fireplace, shaped like an arch, makes the space give a person an intuitive feeling of rich levels.

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力


Art, in a way, is always about getting order out of clutter. In art, all kinds of things have different dimensions and positions, but they have the same value. What the artist should do is to find their intersection point and then simply expss the complex ideas.

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力

W.DESIGN无间设计 感受摩登东方设计的魅力



2020-7-21 23:19:27


McLaren Excell-极简并不是一味地返璞归真!!

2020-7-22 11:10:29

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