Vienna’s MAK is celebrating the work of modernist master Josef Frank with a major retrospective
虽然他最著名的可能是数百个独特的纺织和壁纸图案,在20世纪30和40年代为瑞典家居装饰公司Svenskt Tenn,奥地利出生的建筑师,艺术家和设计师约瑟夫弗兰克有许多弦。
作为一名建筑师,他参与了社会住房和工人住区的建设,包括1932年的Wiener Werkbundsiedlong,在那里他邀请了建筑师Hugo H ring、Josef Hoffmann、Adolf Loos、Richard中性、Ernst Plischke、Gerrit Rietveld、Magarete Schütte-Lihotzky和Oskar Strnad等建筑师为理想的现代住宅设计和建造蓝图。他还负责设计维拉啤酒(Villa Beer),这是维也纳最重要的建筑之一,他在那里探讨了在第一次世界大战前后出现的新空间规划理念的可能性。他的内饰,其中大约70人是众所周知的,是务实和朴实无华的。他把可使用性和舒适性置于形式规则之上,他的数千件家具和数百种织物图案中的许多一直在持续生产,这证明了他的做法及其持续的共鸣。
截止2016年4月3日,“约瑟夫·弗兰克:反对设计”(Josef Frank:Against Design)汇集了弗兰克一系列令人印象深刻的作品组合-家具、图纸、计划和纺织品,辅以当代照片和建筑模型。展览中包括了约瑟夫·弗兰克(JosefFrank)1910年在维也纳完成的Tedesko公寓的第一个内饰。
一直以来,弗兰克的作品和批判性方法都与其他建筑师、艺术家和设计师相比较,首先是文艺复兴时期的建筑师莱昂·巴蒂斯塔·阿尔贝蒂(Leon Battista Alberti),接着是阿道夫·卢斯(Adolf Loos)、约瑟夫·霍夫曼(Josef Hoffmann)、休·贝利·斯科特(Hugh Baillie Scott)、米斯·范德罗赫(Mies Van Der Rohe)、雨果·赫林(Hugo H Ring)馆长们说:“这些比较与其说是相互影响的证据,不如说是在国际比较中对弗兰克作品的意义进行分类的一种方式。”
The showcase encompasses Frank’s architectural work, his interior and furniture designs, as well as a wealth of theoretical processes
Some of Frank’s 200 celebrated textile designs for Swedish home furnishings company Svenskt Tenn are included in the exhibition, many of which are still in production today. Pictured: ‘Teheran 1943–1945’. Courtesy Svenskt Tenn, Stockholm, Sweden
As an architect, Frank was involved with social housing and the construction of worker settlements including the Wiener Werkbundsiedlung in 1932, where he invited a roster of renowned architects to help him design and build a blueprint for the ideal modern housing estate. Frank was also the architect behind the hugely significant Villa Beer, in Vienna. Pictured: Villa Beer, Wenzgasse, Vienna, 1929–1931. Courtesy MAK
The project saw Frank explore the possibilities of new spatial planning ideas that emerged just prior to and after the First World War. Pictured: Villa Beer, Wenzgasse, Vienna, 1929–1931. Courtesy Stefan Oláh
On view until 3 April 2016, ‘Josef Frank: Against Design’ gathers an impssive array of Frank’s work groupings — including furniture, drawings, plans and textiles supplemented by contemporary photographs and architectural models
Throughout, Franks’ work and critical approach is compared to that of other architects, artists and designers ‘as a way of classifying the significance of Frank’s oeuvre in an international comparison’, say the curators
Frank strove for a socially and culturally motivated serviceability – for comfort, livability and stylistic diversity
In tribute to Frank’s own individual spatial planning strategy, ‘The House as Path and Place’, a gallery will be installed in the MAK Exhibition Hall to allow the exhibition to be viewed from above and experienced three-dimensionally
The fact that many of Frank’s thousands of furniture pieces and hundreds of fabric patterns have been in continuous production through today, is testament to his approach and its continued resonance
Included in the showcase is nearly all of the inventory still remaining from Josef Frank’s first interior, the Tedesko apartment, finished in 1910 in Vienna
维也纳麦凯以一次重大回顾庆祝现代主义大师Josef Frank的作品