Georg Öfferl and Lukas Uhl bake in a truly traditional way, with passion and character. The steam-oven bakery Öfferl is a family company focusing on old-school craftsmanship as well as the best, natural, and pure raw materials, sophisticated pparation, and 100% organic quality. Old production methods and ancient varieties of grain are the basis for the kind of bread that has already proven itself in even the most distinguished restaurants.
▼面包店室内一览,interior overview © Studio Riebenbauer
这座位于维也纳Wollzeile区黄金地段的面包店是Öfferl的第一家旗舰店,由建筑事务所Studio Riebenbauer负责设计。在本项目中,Studio Riebenbauer重新界定了面包店的概念,通过一种极为特别的整体设计,打造出一个令人耳目一新的空间。材料使整个空间呈现出一种前所未有的质朴感,而空间布局也将面包的制作过程完全暴露在人们的视野中,创造出一种别样的视觉体验。面包作为一种传统而精致的主食,仍是整个空间的重中之重。因此建筑师将拉丝铝材和石材作为家具的基本材料,不仅与面包形成了鲜明的对比,更打造出一系列完美的产品展台。
▼室内展台,由拉丝铝材和石材打造而成,the interior stage for the bread, made of brushed aluminum and stone © Studio Riebenbauer
▼室内用餐空间局部,室内使用Studio Riebenbauer特制的日光灯管,营造出一种简单但完美的光环境,partial interior view of the dining area, Studio Riebenbauer’s typical fluorescent tubes create the perfect lighting situation due to their simplicity © Studio Riebenbauer
建筑师将砂浆地板局部开洞,并在洞内填入从Öfferl 的故乡——Weinviertel挖来的泥土,创造出一个个小型的“泥土喷泉”。 室内使用Studio Riebenbauer特制的日光灯管,营造出一种简单但完美的光环境。最为特别的是在下层空间中,面包就像是圣餐桌上的古老标志,静静地陈列在展台上。庭院延续了Studio Riebenbauer的设计概念,在城市环境中打造出了一个自然纯净的空间。庭院的栅栏由一面由拉丝铝材制成的墙体构成,这个墙体能够反射光线,不仅让人们将焦点放在面包展台上,更营造出一种和谐的整体环境氛围。
▼面包店室内,砂浆地板局部开洞并在其中填入泥土,创造出一个个小型的“泥土喷泉”,partial interior view, a fountain with a crack in the screed floor exposes real earth © Studio Riebenbauer
▼面包就像是圣餐桌上的古老标志,静静地陈列在展台上,bread is reflected as an archaic sign on a bread altar, where all different kinds are on display like jewels on a fittingly accentuated stage © Studio Riebenbauer
在本项目中,Studio Riebenbauer将设计的重点放在了面包的制作过程和面包身上,为Dampfbäckerei Öfferl的面包提供了一个完美的展示舞台。它不仅仅是一个新的旗舰店,更是对整个品牌形象的塑造和提升。这家位于Wollzeile 的Öfferl面包旗舰店已于2019年9月16日正式开业。
By clearly focusing on the manufacturing process and the bread itself, Studio Riebenbauer provides the kind of stage for Dampfbäckerei Öfferl’s bread it truly deserves. In addition to the new flagship store, the bakery’s entire branding was revised as well. Öfferl’s new flagship store on Wollzeile opens its doors on September 16, 2019.
▼面包店外观细节,facade details of the store
More: Studio Riebenbauer