SHOWNI,是由英文SHOW和中文拼音“你-NI”组合而成,谐音“秀妮”。“秀妮”是项目甲方的名字,她独自创业,一路艰辛,这间小店便是她梦想的升级。SHOWNI是为初心不改,展现真实自我的隐喻。愿我们每一个人在追梦路上都能 BE OURSELFS AND SHOW OURSELFS.
SHOWNI is a word together English “show” with Chinese “Ni”, it’s pronouncing as Chinese “秀妮“as my client’s real name. She started her own business and worked hard all the way. This boutique shop is her dream. “SHOWNI” as “秀妮” expssed remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind. May each of us be ourselves and show ourselves on the way to chasing dreams.
The way of being a designer is endless and arduous, everyone get a different interptation and understanding of design in each different stages. In each case, it’s not just a simply space about design, but also about a unique mind and a particularly story. I have been thinking a very long time for writing something about this project, some notes wrote and deleted, again and again. Until I decide write nothing about my opinion, because I finally find out ” no interptation is my real interptation at the moment”.
For you, for me, for fun.
项目地点:江苏省 苏州市
Project location: Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Project area: 108 square meters
项目主创:阿木, 麦子
Designer: Niven
Dseign Team: Min
Design time: March 2019
Completion date: May 2019
Photography unit: Shengsu Architectural Photography