The plot geometry and its small size, 47㎡, assume special importance in the typology and form of programmatic distribution.
▼住宅外观,exterior view
One program per floor: Floor 0 – studio, Floor 1 – Living and dining, Floor 2 – Sleeping area and Floor 3 – Roof top.
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
The entrance is at the lowest point, creating a covered and exterior area, defined by a metal gate, which at the same time encloses the private space, configures the intimacy of floor 0 and ensures illumination.
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
An open space the size of the lot configures the floor 1. With 3.20m of free height is only differentiated the living and eating area by the change of floor. The scale of the room is enhanced by the large back-to-ceiling backrest. The matter of the walls – concrete – also goes along the floors, building functional horizontal planes. On this floor, a shelf for books, tv or audio.
▼客厅与餐厅通过局部抬升的地面得到区分,the living and eating area is differentiated by the change of floor
▼餐厅,dining room
▼楼梯和墙面细部,stair and concrete wall
In a triangle plan, the corners assume special importance. The sharp angle of the kitchen area is dramatized with the backrest and the introduction of a mirror. At the other acute angle, there is the staircase. A metal piece that “inhabits” this void of light that seeps from the skylight leading to the terrace.
▼装有镜面的厨房角落,the sharp angle of the kitchen
▼沿墙分布的混凝土板提供了水平方向的置物空间,the matter of the walls – concrete – also goes along the floors, building functional horizontal planes
▼二层另一角的金属楼梯,the metal stair at the other acute angle
▼楼梯“栖息”在被天窗照耀的光井中,the stair “inhabits” a void of light that seeps from the skylight
▼餐厅,dining area
▼“角落”细部,”corners” detailed view
▼三层平面图,second floor plan
On the floor of the rooms the free height is 2.40m and the angle is redefined, this time perpendicular to the hypotenuse of the triangle. Turning south.
▼洗手池,wash area
▼顶层平面图,rooftop plan
Photographic Credits: DANIEL MALHÃO