Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

北京望京凯悦酒店(The Hyatt Regency)距离北京市中心有一段距离。其中,客户需要酒店里有一家日本餐厅和酒吧,让酒店客人和周围办公室的上班族有来访的价值。

The Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing is located a little outside of the center of Beijing. We were asked to design a Japanese restaurant worth visiting for hotel guests and office workers in the area.



We placed bamboo in a gradation pattern in the entrance, which is connected to the hotel lobby, to blend the boundaries and lead guests gradually inside the restaurant. We thought the layered bamboo, which is also used as a way of expressing types of borders in China, would hit home with the local people too because of the shared culture. We attempt to meld traditional material with modern elements by metal plating some of the bamboo.


Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅



The slanted louver ceiling around the open kitchen evinces the atmosphere of a food stall and makes it a comfortable space where guests and chefs can have in-depth conversations. Conversely, the wall of the tea room has a bumpy design that looks inverted so that “Japan” is expressed by symbols as a subtle nuance rather than obviously. In the private room, we used patterned glass to give the space depth while also connecting glimpses of people through to the surrounding spaces.



This project expresses “Japan” from a different angle than the overall Japanese theme of the hotel, designed by Kengo Kuma.


Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

Nao Taniyama | 望京凯悦酒店旬八日料餐厅

名称:北京望京凯悦酒店 旬八日料餐厅(Shunpachi) / The Music Bar
地址:中国 北京市朝阳区广顺南大街8号 院利星行中心
设计:NAO Taniyama & Associates 谷山直义 林田MAMI 三岛奈都美
实用面积:旬八/357㎡ Music Bar/276㎡
席位数:旬八/99席 Music Bar/85席
摄影:山下亮一、Jonathan Leijonhufvud SWE



2019-9-6 14:10:00


Ryoji Iedokoro建筑事务所,日本Nikunotoriko餐厅

2019-9-7 7:35:00

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