Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Havas Group是一家全球性的通讯公司,现从悉尼的多个地点搬迁到一个工作场所,成为CBD历史建筑的主要租户。该项目位于“Bushell’s Tea”建筑内,是“the Rocks”遗产区的一部分,具有重要的国家意义。

Havas Group is a global communications company that moved from multiple sites across Sydney to a singular workplace becoming the anchor tenant for a historic building in the CBD.Located within the ‘Bushell’s Tea’ Building, the site forms part of ‘The Rocks’ heritage district and is of high state significance.



The workplace solution for Havas is respectful of the heritage envelope. Spanning six levels, the floorplates are planned predominately as open plan workspace. Enclosed spaces where required are designed as freestanding timber pavilions within the existing built environment. Exposed untreated timber columns, beams, joists above and exposed mechanical services, keep in line with the original industrial use of the building.


Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

L1 – L5通过中庭的桥梁进入,进入协作大道的楼层。一个中央走廊,有几个开放的套房,里面有各种各样的协作家具,可以单独使用,也可以与中心厨房连接,用于大型聚会。顶层(L6)继承了传统的沥青屋顶,是下面机构的共享楼层设施。

The typical floors (L1 – L5) are entered via a bridge across the atrium, entering the floor on the collaboration boulevard. A central corridor that has several open suites of varying collaborative furniture that can be used separately or connected with the hub kitchen for larger gatherings.  The top floor (L6) inherits the heritage pitch roof and is a shared floor facility for the agencies below.


Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部



The introduction of cobble stone flooring within the ground floor lobby is a nod to the historical function of the space as a tea loading dock and reasserts the lobby as a laneway spanning between two buildings. It is here that the Havas experience begins with a large scale ‘H’ digital totem anchored on the ground floor plane spanning vertically 5M into the atrium space. A shimmering concierge pod conceived in the same design language is located nearby. The laneway is softened by loose furniture settings that provide impromptu meeting spaces for staff and guests to the building.


工作站以风车的形式布置,以鼓励整个楼层的有机循环,并与垂直跨越楼层的传统茶道交叉。休息空间位于不同的楼层,为员工提供休憩的地方,使他们能够在团队环境之外更轻松、更专注于个人的工作风格。灵活多样的家具解决方案支持社交和协作空间,这些解决方案配备了集成的AV技术和电源/ USB,可支持不同的工作模式。

Workstations are arranged in a pinwheel format to encourage organic circulation throughout the floors and are intersected by heritage tea chutes that span vertically through the levels. Focus and retreat spaces are located on alternative floors and provide respite for staff enabling more relaxed and individually focussed work styles away from the team environment. Social and collaborative spaces are supported by flexible and diverse furniture solutions that are equipped with integrated AV technology and power/USB to enable different modes of working.


Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

Hammond Studio | 悉尼Havas通讯公司总部

设计公司:Hammond Studio
摄影:Terence Chin


首发 | AMAA建筑公司自己的办公室设在意大利阿尔兹尼亚诺的一个旧工厂内

2019-8-25 12:15:00


studio HASSELL | 墨尔本transurban办公室

2019-8-28 15:26:41

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