Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑外观局部,南立面完全覆盖着光伏板,partial exterior view of the building, the south facade is entirely covered with solar panels

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑外观,东南侧的立面全部以玻璃实现,exterior view of the building, the southeast facade is completely realized by glass

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑主立面夜景,主道路一侧设有三层通高的通风门厅,night view of the building, a triple-height airy lobby is located at the main road side

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

从建筑看向周边环境,可以一览周边的乡村与山区景色,viewing the surrounding from the building, the building offers nice and open views on the surrounding countryside and the mountains

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑的门厅上空,空中连廊将两部分体量联系在一起,the space above the lobby, the aerial corridor connects two volumes

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑首层的门厅空间,宽阔的玻璃幕墙确保了自然通风和充足的采光,the lobby on the ground floor, a wide glass curtain wall guarantees natural ventilation and plenty of natural light

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑主街道立面外观局部,设有大小不一的窗户,partial exterior view of the facade from the main road with the windows in the different sizes

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑局部,水平向的遮阳系统在提供畅通无阻的视线的同时进行了阳光的保护,partial exterior view, the horizontal sunscreen system allows free sights and sun protection simultaneously

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

建筑局部,水平向的遮阳系统可以过滤阳光和避免过热,partial exterior view, the horizontal sunscreen system can filter sunlight and avoid overheating

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

项目首层平面图,ground floor plans

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

七层平面图,sixth floor plan

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

二层平面图,first floor plan

Forti Holding Spa总部与办公楼,意大利 / ATIproject亚梯

新的 Forti Holding S.p.a. 总部位于比萨城和里窝那之间。这里包含了商店和集团的行政中心。该建筑由ATIproject工作室设计,是该地区绿色建筑的连贯和卓越的典范。以环境责任为核心价值,团队非常重视生物气候规划,从而实现了相当高的能源性能。

The new Forti Holding S.p.a. headquarter is situated between Pisa and Livorno. It houses shops and the corporate group’s administrative centre. The building is designed by ATIproject studio and it stands as a coherent and remarkable example of green architecture in the area. Taking environmental responsibility as a core value, the team has put great attention into the bioclimatic planning, thus resulting in incredibly high energetic performances.


In fact, the building makes extensive use of passive energy devices like thermal and shading technologies, passive ventilation and sensitive use of daylight. From the main road, an airy lobby located in the middle of a ventilated facade welcomes visitors with its triple-height-ceiling; a wide glass curtain wall guarantees natural ventilation and plenty of natural light. On the other side, the southeast facade is completely realized by glass. For this reason, in order to filter sunlight and to avoid overheating, a horizontal sunscreen system has been set up in front of the windows, allowing free sights and sun protection simultaneously.



Structural and formal choices affect the inner working environment, offering nice and open views on the surrounding countryside and the mountains. Opaque and transparent surfaces have been studied


新作 | Ippolito Fleitz Group:上海 SOHO五角场3Q

2019-7-10 7:15:00



2019-7-11 17:48:00

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