Harrison Interiors是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的室内设计公司,是在各种创意学科的广泛经验基础上发展起来的。其设计理念是建立在空间如何影响环境的知识基础上的,工作室。
Harrison Interiors is an interior design firm based in Melbourne developed from extensive experience across a variety of creative disciplines. The harrison interiors ethos is grounded in knowledge of how context informs environment.
Alisia Harrison作为创始人,在设计领域的不同阶段工作,具有从工业设计到艺术指导的经验。这种多面背景自然地影响了她的室内设计和她动态的视觉叙事风格。
As the founder, Alisia Harrison has worked at varied points along the design spectrum, with experience spanning industrial design to art direction. Such a multi-faceted background naturally informs her interior design practice and her style of dynamic visual storytelling.
Alisia Harrison 将她的方法和审美描述为“极简主义与意想不到的结合”。她将精力倾注于她所做的每一件事上,以集中精神的形式聚焦于每一个细节,从精雕细琢的细节到描绘一幅广阔的画面。
Alisia Harrison described her approach and aesthetic as “minimalist and unexpected combination.” Her esprit is poured into everything she does. at harrison interiors, it’s in the form of a concentrated energy focused on every detail, from crafting the finer points to painting a broad picture.
Harrison Interiors的内饰设计倾向于极简和几何概念与活力的平衡。天然的材料,优雅的色调和图形元素与内敛的气质成为了工作室美学的核心理念。始终探索客户自身的个性和需求,并设计出完美代表他们的东西和他们自己的风格。
Harrison Interiors favours minimal and geometric concepts balanced with dynamism and vitality. natural materiality, elegant palettes and graphic shapes worked with a restrained boldness form the core concept of their studio aesthetic. Their clients’ own personalities and needs are always deliberately explored and expssed in the finished outcome: something that perfectly repsents them and their own style.
设计:Harrison Interiors