远古和当下,总有着一条线的距离。是遥不可及,也可以说是近在咫尺。 Ancient and present, there is always a line distance. It is out of reach, can be said to be close at hand. 一眼万年,大概也是如此。 One million years, probably the same. 去掉城市喧嚣,去掉繁复的表现,地球的实质美感,就在于虚实之间、就在于线条与块面之间。 Remove the hustle and bustle of the city, remove the complicated performance, the real beauty of the earth, lies between the actual situation, lies between the line and block surface. 极简,通透,利落,干脆。 Minimal, transparent, neat, simply. 星空与我们有着光年的距离,儿时的我们期盼拥有璀璨,如今我们离神秘更近更近…… We have the stars and light years away, and we look forward to have a bright childhood, and now we are closer to the mystery closer ……
我们无从得知遥古的过去,却能拥有它的鳞和角,这莫不是其中的冥冥联系? We do not know away from the ancient past, but it can have its scale and angle, which is tied to this link could there be? 时空凝滞,荧光幽幽,究竟是穿越亿万年的虚幻,还是脚踏实地、风云变幻的新世纪? Time and space stagnate, faint fluorescence, whether it is through millions of years of unreal, or down to earth, ever-changing new century? 亿万年凝聚在小小的陨石中,曾惊心动魄,曾天地浩劫, 曾万千物种变迁,忽地警觉,所有皆是脑中虚有。 Hundreds of millions of years gather in small meteorites,It was thrilling, once the world catastrophe, has thousands of species change, suddenly alert, all are in the brain has existed. 明暗分明的空间,让神秘感更为彻底。历史是光束,将人们拦截在外围。只许观望,无法透彻,无法明晰。 Bright and clear space, so that a more thorough mystery. History is a beam of light that keeps people in the periphery. We can only wait and see, not thorough, not clear. 也许,当下的一切也会被神奇地吸附在那些石上,灵气随着时间愈来愈盛。 Perhaps, the moment everything will be magically adsorbed on those stones, Aura over time more prosperous.
该空间性质为男装店铺。大自然赋予地球哲学及人类文明,设计灵感来源于国家地理中一幅堆石摄影作品。原生态、毫无人工涉足的领地,空旷、磅礴、自然。 The space for men’s clothing shop. Given the nature of the Earth and human civilization philosophy, inspired by National Geographic in a rockfill photography. Primitive, no human involvement in the territory, open, magnificent, natural. 在设计中将不经雕琢的岩石堆积在黑色钢丝编织的BOX内,营造出不加修饰的造型视觉,与紫铜色半圆金属造型板和黑色方形体块造型产生虚实的掩映,切割出比例得宜的空间尺度,展示柜体独立出玄关意象,不做到满的格局分界,保留空间时宽适度,加强了空间的节奏感,创造色系层次。 In the design will be unmanned rock piled up in the black wire braided box, creating a unadorned styling vision, and copper-colored semicircular metal modeling board and black square block shape to create the actual situation of the mask, cut the proportion of appropriate spatial scale, independent of the display cabinet entrance imagery, do not fill the pattern boundary, moderately wide retention space, strengthening the sense of space rhythm, creating color level. 在立面的表现上,运用大块面与几何线条,堆叠丰富的空间底蕴,阶梯造就不一样的领域,给人视觉的新体验,划分出多个空间形势并丰富使用功能,并以穿透干的材质作为隔断,串联出各个部分的空间,塑造了内敛且沉稳的空间设计感,创造了视觉绝佳景深效果,简洁干练,带来艺术的灵动性。 On the facade of the performance, the use of large surface and geometric lines, stacked rich heritage of space, creating a ladder of different areas, giving a new visual experience, divided into a plurality of spatial situation and the use of rich features, and to penetrate dry material as a partition, a series of out of each part of the space, creating a restrained and steady sense of space design, creating a superb visual depth of field effect, simple and concise, bringing the art of mobility. 上下投射光源的发光云石结合铁件采高难度的悬吊设计,灯光与墙边体块、线条造型的交织,投射在墙面的光影感,让原本色调相近的墙边不锈钢造型与墙面的水泥灰色产生更加丰富的层次感,丰富的材质风格,营造轻盈量体感,呈现出工业感的新风貌。 Up and down the light source of the light-emitting marble combined with iron mining difficult to suspend the design, light and wall body block, the shape of the intertwined lines projected on the wall of light and shadow, so that the original color similar to the wall of stainless steel wall design and shape The cement gray produces a richer layering, a rich material style, creating a lightweight body feeling, showing a new look of industrial sense.
仿佛一座深不见底的森林,材质的差异、造型的整合,营造出整个空间的空灵神秘感,并且光线投射到整个空间的主体——衣服,空间含蓄内敛为衣服的展示形式提出了更多的可能性,为其增加更多装饰性味道,但并没有喧宾夺主而是为其服务,让每件衣服成为独特的艺术品,让空间充满视觉新意,铺陈静谧无华的视觉美感,或幽静如黑森林,或奢华如宫廷,各类石材都可以发挥其极致的功能美学。壁面些微的反光效果恰如其分的增添了空间的质感,同时人物与服装的投影在墙上的斑驳也使得环境如梦似幻,增添了几分冷漠的疏离感,使得服装品牌的风格定位更加鲜明。 As if a bottomless forest, material differences, styling integration, creating a sense of ethereal mystery of the entire space, and the light projected onto the main body of the space – clothes,space implicit intentions provide more possibilities for the display of the clothes, add more decorative taste to them, but do not overwhelm them but serve them, making each piece of clothing a unique piece of art, filling the space with new visuals , lay quiet minimalist visual beauty, such as the Black Forest or quiet, or as extravagant palace, various types of stone can exert its ultimate function of aesthetics.The slightly reflective effect of the wall slightly add texture to the space, while the mottled figures and clothing on the wall mottled the environment also makes it dreamy, adding a bit indifferent sense of alienation, making clothing brand positioning more distinctive style.
项目名称:煜哲男装 项目位置:中国,杭州 项目面积:140㎡ 完成时间:2017.10 项目设计:杭州术锐室内设计有限公司 设计师:郑杰 曾中明 使用材料:石材,钢丝,金属板,发光云石,铁件