从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店


Somewhere, tucked away on an ordinary street in Xiong An, Hebei Province, China, is a masterpiece, waiting to be unfurled. The composition is clear from the outset, with the linear framework of the facade setting the spatial intent in stone. However, once inside the linear moves from the classical to the cubist and we’re introduced to the organic and soft.

OSC 精品店是一个零售空间,但不是您所知道的那样。这个休息室般的环境以客厅为形象,成为现代形式策划的完美画布。

OSC boutique is a retail space, but not as you know it. Made in the image of the living room, this lounge-like setting becomes the perfect canvas for a contemporary curation of forms.

Once inside, the space is bathed in light, and the soft glow of the elliptical installations in the ceiling create an immediate sense of comfort.
从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店


From here, this light bounces off the various mirrors placed throughout, all in abstract shapes, as if pieces from a larger puzzle. These cut-out shapes are further reflected in the furniture pieces that make up this retail living room, as we see a stone table with a scalloped leg, a chair with a zig/zag cross-section and a volcanic rock-esque table with a steel insert grace the gridwork of tiled floors. There is warmth, however, in this overtly white space, with mid-century modern hues introduced via the timber-clad columns and casework, further defined by the couch and coffee table. As with any cubist artwork, the sharper lines are complemented and offset with plush, soft furnishings that bring us back to the comfort of the living room, heightening the shopping experience.

稍微偏离空间核心中心的是 pièce de résistance(至少在我看来),弯曲的柱子随时都可能倒塌,它低沉的 tonk 左右摇晃,仿佛是用纸建造的。这个类似纸的塔完美地放置在一个白色的基座上,它本身就是一件艺术品,同时具有严肃的结构目的。

Slightly off centre to the nucleus of the space is the pièce de résistance (in my opinion, anyway), the crooked column that dares to collapse at any moment, with its honky tonk swaying from side to side, as if constructed from paper. This paper-like pylon is perfectly placed on a white pedestal, an artwork in itself, all the while serving a serious structural purpose.

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店

从古典到立体主义:Xframe Studio 的 OSC 精品店


Elsewhere, we see remnants of the walls that once were, framed portraits cut out of the new structure, the artist having left the canvas exposed and untainted. This serves another purpose, further softening the clean-lined contemporary white space with its robust realness.

拉丝钢元素也有其位置,最引人注目的是雕塑般的楼梯,其类似埃舍尔的框架,后面的立管是负铸造的,产生了积极的效果。这一切都非常 T 台,人们几乎可以想象新一季身着 Prada 服装的模特们在 Georges Braque 风格的布局之间跳舞。可以看到 Muccia 本人舒适地坐在一个更圆润的休息室里,证明这个客厅不仅仅是为无聊的男朋友保留的。

Brushed steel elements have their place, too, most notably in the creation of the sculptural staircase with its Escher-like frame, a negative cast of the risers behind, resulting in a positive effect. It’s all very runway, and one can almost imagine new season Prada-clad models dancing between the Georges Braque-esque layout of it all. Muccia herself could be seen comfortably sitting on one of the more rotund lounges, proving that this living room isn’t reserved for bored boyfriends only.


introlemons 新天地旗舰店:倡导可持续生活方式的茶饮店

2024-9-26 20:00:34



2020-11-19 1:59:50

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