这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

Nice Rice 在上海的旗舰店兼顾了现代与传统,与周边地区的年轻活力相得益彰,吸引了新一代的购物者。

Nice Rice’s flagship store in Shanghai balances modernity and tradition to match its neighbourhood’s youthful energy and to appeal to a new generation of shoppers.

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

中国生活时尚品牌 Nice Rice 的旗舰店位于上海淮海路,是中西文化的交汇点。该空间借鉴了中国传统建筑特色,灵感来源于米仓,与品牌名称相呼应。Say Architects 将传统的屋顶形式延伸到室内;双斜面与屋顶相映成趣,在空间中营造出和谐的视觉效果。店面向内凹陷,形成了一个中间的室外空间,并作为面向街道的展示区,同时也改善了室内的导向性,有助于促进人流。木材和自然色混凝土是主要材料,为零售活动营造了中性的背景。一件由蛋壳画布制成的艺术品,漆面呈迷宫状分布,为空间增添了纹理元素。

Located on Shanghai’s Huaihai Road, Chinese lifestyle and fashion brand Nice Rice’s flagship store is an intersection of Chinese and Western culture. Drawing on traditional Chinese architectural features, the space is inspired by a rice warehouse, a play on the brand’s name. Say Architects extended the traditional roof form into the interior; double slopes mirror the roof and create visual harmony in the space. The inward recess of the storefront forms an intermediary outdoor space and serves as a street-facing display, also improving interior wayfinding and helping to drive foot traffic. Wood and natural-hued concrete were the primary materials employed, setting a neutral backdrop for retail activities. An artwork made of an eggshell canvas with lacquer spread in a maze-like formation adds a textural element to the space.

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品


The store’s balance between tradition and modernity is intended to resonate with the brand’s younger clientele. The West pervades China’s youth culture and the store functions at the crux of the two. The designer sought to capture this in the store, especially because of its situation in an area of Shanghai whose history is rooted in this cultural confluence and is now geared towards a younger generation – it is even located next to a McDonald’s. The creation of youth-oriented spaces, for example, the intermediary outdoor area and staircase which blends the store’s entrance with the adjacent street, invites the target audience to make use of it even when they aren’t shopping. This incidental exposure to the brand and its products hopefully encourages footfall. The retailer shows how aligning its brand space with its main demographic’s lifestyle is integral for designing relevant spaces suited to younger generations’ preferences.

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品

这家上海零售商如何为年轻一代重塑传统 Say Architects作品



设计:Say Architects

业主:Nice Rice


Location/Map pointer Huai Hai Zhong Lu, Huang Pu Qu, Shang Hai Shi, China

Design/Say Architects

Client/Nice Rice

Floor area/300 sq-m


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