加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

Le Blossom餐厅位于蒙特利尔村庄的中心,是Menard Dworkind对日本文化的非传统和未来主义的诠释。

Le Blossom is Ménard Dworkind’s non-traditional and futurist take on Japanese culture, located at the heart of Montreal’s Village.

“从某种程度上,从好莱坞工业设计师赛德米德(Syd Mead)的作品中汲取灵感,我们的想法是创造一个独特的环境,摆脱我们都习以为常的日常主题和过度使用的陈词滥调,”这对设计搭档解释说,“在这个过程中,魁北克的中世纪时代——最着名的是通过使用水磨石和瓷砖——也被混合在一起,以及让人想起80年代和90年代华尔街时尚的元素——例如,铝、百叶窗以及壁灯。”

“Drawing inspiration, in part, from the work of Hollywood industrial designer Syd Mead, the idea was to create a singular environment, free from the usual and overused Japanese-themed clichés that we’ve all been so accustomed to,” explains the design duo. “In the process, nods to Quebec’s own mid-century era — most notably through the use of terrazzo and ceramic tiles — were also thrown into the mix, as well as elements reminiscent of 80’s and 90’s Wall Street chic — for instance, the aluminium venetian blinds as well as the wall lamps.”


加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计


Le Blossom餐厅的大部分座位分布在酒吧吧台的周围。吧台分为六个不同的部分,有三个不同的站点,以容纳餐厅的三个厨师。定制设计的简约凳子顶部配有超厚毡,悬臂通过一个隐蔽的锚固系统,这是Ménard的标志性技巧之一。通往酒吧的台阶由水磨石制成。

Instrumental to Le Blossom layout is the bar – this is where most of the restaurant‘s seats can be found. Prefabricated and transported in six different parts, the European beech bar has three distinct stations set to accommodate the restaurant’s three chefs. The custom designed minimalist stools are topped with extra thick felt for comfort, cantilevered via a concealed anchoring system — one of Ménard’s signature tricks. The steps leading up to the bar are made from terrazzo.


The pinkish ceramic tiles used for the kitchen and the bar area were a last-minute addition to the design, as “they were found by chance in the supplier’s warehouse,” said the design team. “They had been stored there for almost fifty years and were chosen mainly for their 70’s feel.”


加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计


我们不要忘记了Le Blossom的核心部分——对餐厅名称本身的一种敬意。大樱花树矗立在房间正中,宽5米,高3.5米,是餐厅的“图腾柱”。这棵树在抵达蒙特利尔组装之前是在中国定制的。四盏灯安放在底座上,为圣诞树提供了一个向上的照明,它那令人惊叹的粉红色丝质树叶一定会让任何进入房间的人感到敬畏。

But let’s not forget Le Blossom’s centrepieces – an homage to the name of the restaurant itself. The large cherry blossom tree stands right in the middle of the room measuring 5 meters in width and 3.5 metres in height, acting as the restaurant’s own “totem pole”. The tree was custom-made in China before arriving in Montreal for assembling. With four lamps resting at the base and providing the tree with a smooth, upward lighting, its breathtaking pink silk foliage is bound to leave anyone who enters the room in a state of awe.


Covered with tiles on the sides and topped with a timber table, a circular bar surrounding the tree was added to accommodate even more customers. Its shape purposefully evokes the hollow space created by the main bar, as if both structures were meant to interlock.


加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计

加拿大蒙特利尔LE BLOSSOM日本餐厅设计
设计公司:MÉNARD DWORKIND architecture & design



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