奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

新建的恩格尔巴赫幼儿园,在格林德运河(Grindel Canal)和哈森菲尔德大街(Hasenfeldstrasse)之间形成了一个独特的的儿童世界。一个拥有家一般感觉的地方,其特点是令人放松的光环。结合了地方的潜力和现代教育学要求的幼儿园。

The newly built Engelbach kindergarten forms a unique childrens world between the Grindel Canal and Hasenfeldstrasse. A place that feels like home, characterized by a relaxing aura. A kindergarten that combines the potential of the place and the requirements of modern pedagogy.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


External space plays an important role in it. The new kindergarten is far away from the street, creating space for an open designed high-quality public usable space. The largest outdoor area with a children’s playground and public playground faces the Grindel Canal and provides high-quality adventure spaces in rural areas for children and residents of the area.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


The new building of the kindergarten is designed as a compact two-story structure, concealing the multi-story internal world. Internal and external openness, spacious passages and communication areas. All areas of the house are connected by three stairs, and the traffic flow for children is very dense during peak hours.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

在较高楼层“ Belletage”上的团体房位于同一楼层。具有移动空间和通讯区域的五个单元在建筑物内充当独立区域。所有都始终朝东南方向定向,以确保在早上幼儿园的核心时间内获得最佳的日照效果。

The group rooms on the upper floor Belletage are located on the same floor. Five units with mobile space and communication area act as independent areas in the building. All are always oriented to the southeast to ensure the best sunlight effect during the core hours of kindergarten in the morning.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


The all-weather protected play terrace expands the function of the back room, creates a pleasant transitional space, and maintains a strong connection with the surrounding high-quality outdoor play area. The simple and clear organization of the new kindergarten provides an ideal environment for communication, learning and games.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


The exterior and interior appearance is characterized by a refined architectural language, and special purpose patterns can be found on its scale. The natural local wood and metal framed windows reflect the simple and atmospheric semantics of the house.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


The concept of internal materials creates a natural atmosphere. The solid surface made of wood, mineral materials and carefully coordinated colors give the room a pleasant look and feel, giving children and educators enough freedom to develop themselves.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


The building is a mix of wood and concrete, which can meet todays vitality and ecological requirements, especially in terms of sustainability. The basic structure of the core wall is complemented by pfabricated walls made of wood and ceiling elements. The use of high-quality, ecologically and regionally available materials, energy-efficient building technology systems and the use of renewable energy can protect nature and the environment and make a positive contribution to sustainable development.

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

设计师:Innauer-Matt Architekten

摄影:Adolf Bereuter




奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten



奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten

Markus Innauer,Sven Matt Innauer-Matt Architekten主要负责人 Innauer-Matt Architekten是一家位于奥地利BEZAU的建筑事务所。他们的设计深受家乡奥地利布雷根策瓦尔德地区景观和建筑的影响。他们希望创造一个可以在适应其生活环境并且具有长期有效性的空间。在Innauer-Matt Architekten的工作中,他们试图做到准确而克制,避免反复重新架构。

奥地利极简主义 Innauer Matt Architekten


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