Yakusha Design – Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

“ Istetyka”这个名字是两个乌克兰词的组合——饮食和美学。即食食品的美学是餐厅内部空间和所供应菜肴的主要信息。餐厅的主人试图改变对即食食品的态度,将普通食品变成一种仪式,将食品变成一种体验。

The name “Istetyka” is a combination of two Ukrainian words — to eat and aesthetics. The aesthetics of ready-to-eat food is the main message of the eatery traced in the interior of the space and the dishes served. The owners sought to change the attitude to fast ready-to-eat food — turn ordinary into a ritual, food into an experience.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学


Guests are welcomed by the laconic entrance embodied in wood, clay walls and unprocessed concrete, original to the building where the eatery is. A painting depicting bread is a repsentation of the aesthetic approach to food as an art. The work says: less means more. Value and valuable things are hidden in daily routine. A small picture on a large scale symbolizes the essence.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

从功能上来说,餐厅分为三个区域。Faina的主要区域有宽敞的圆桌会议,用于举办友好的会议。桌脚由基于粘土,再生纸和其他天然成分的可持续材料“ ztista”制成。工匠在回收钢的基础上应用这种混合材料,因此,从手中出来的是独特的、充满生机的不规则轮廓。这种古老的技术被称为“女武神”,被我们的祖先用来建造房屋的墙壁。

Functionally the eatery is divided into three zones. The main area with spacious round tables by Faina serves for friendly meetings. Legs of the tables are made from sustainable material ztista based on clay, recycled paper, and other natural components. An artisan applies the living blend on the recycled steel basis and thus, from the hands, a unique, full of living irregularities silhouette comes out. This ancient technique known as valkyvannia was used by our ancestors for building walls of a dwelling.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学



Near the main area, there are separate concrete tables for one or two. They are complemented by simple rectangular poufs made of recycled plastic. The kitchen is separated from the seating area by the toned glass, elegantly framed with a minimalist rack for orders.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学


Connection with the earth and ecological approach is the basis of Yakusha Design philosophy. Special attention was paid to the materials and their origin. In addition, architects adhered to the natural balance. The simple geometric shapes of the seats are gently softened by the rounded lines of the tables and lamps. The coldness of concrete walls and furniture meets the warmth of living clay. Roughness and uneven textures are balanced by the purity and smoothness of steel.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Istetyka餐厅的大多数物品都是当地工匠手工制作的。带有质感表面的真实陶土花瓶取自Faina的Yakusha Design Studio家具和装饰系列。手工花边灯在餐桌上装饰精美。伴随着圆形的钢壁式壁灯,日落之后它们为室内增添了柔和的光线。

Most items of the Istetyka eatery were handmade by local artisans. Authentic clay vases with textured surfaces are taken from Fainas collection of furniture and decor, part of Yakusha Design Studio. Artisanal macrame-lamps elegantly finish area over dining tables. Accompanied by the rounded steel sconces, they fill the interior with a soothing light after the sunset.

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

Yakusha Design - Architecture Studio 乌克兰的朴素极简美学

设计:Yakusha Design – Architecture Studio 面积:127 m² 年份:2021 摄影:Yevhenii Avramenko 城市:基辅 国家:乌克兰


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