PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

最好的空间是这样的:我们居住其中,却感觉不到自然在哪里终了,艺术在哪里开始。 -林语堂

The best architecture is that in which we are not made to feel where nature ends and where art begins.-Lin Yutang

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

家的中心 – 提供一个全家人团聚的空间

The Center of House – Provide a Space for Family Reunions

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

家是什么? 家是我们的避风港,亦是极大的包容之所。它不仅是容纳琐碎日常的盒子,更多是家人之间延伸各种可能及欢乐的地方,是家人之间情感的交融之所。它像一个有温度的媒介,观照生活和成长的交互,记录空间里的故事,传达居住者的个性和态度。

What is house? House is our harbor, as well as an extremely inclusive place. It is not only a box containing trivial matters in daily life, but also a place for a family to find various possibilities and joys and form emotional ties. It is like a warm medium reflecting interaction between life and growth, recording stories in the space and conveying personalities and attitudes of inhabitants.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


“I want a space for family reunions”-To meet the owner’s expectation of house, we started the house design by setting “a center of house”.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

光晕 – 扩散的圆

Halo – Diffusive Circles

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


House design is charming for it infinitely reproduces stories and emotions of inhabitants. We often avoid talking about styles with owners, because we are more willing to describe what kind of person and family live in a space and what interests, experiences and relations each family member has, than to define the style of the space. Rather than “design” a house, we psent it and create a poetic living space.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


“Circles” are an important spiritual prototype of Chinese culture, enabling us to visually associate it with reunions and contentment, and “round tables” are the most symbolic totem of reunions, both of which coincide with the innermost longing of the Chinese. Therefore, we place “circles” as a basic pattern in the space, which diffuse from the dining room at the center in the image “halos”, to integrate into the whole living space and create a multi-layered spatial structure.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


The spaces divided by circles are relatively separate from each other, as well as integrated and built into each other, forming a special sequence to organize and string the spaces. In this centralized spatial relationship, the dining room becomes a bridge for emotional bonds in the whole space, and openings generated by the diffusive spatial structure realizes interaction between interior and exterior scenes, to become a structural repsentation of a family relationship of coexistence and fusion.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

家的模样 – 我们需要一种什么生活形式

The Look of House – What Kind of Life Do We Want

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


A city is an open book, which different people read in different ways. -City Reading Notes

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


It is the same for a space. Every house should have its own unique highlights, which will diffuse into each space like halos. Do not talk about what style of home we need, but tell what kind of life we want.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House


The design process of “halo house” is a study of spatial construction of a lifestyle, in which diffusive circles were placed as a spatial structure, to create a free spatial pattern, changeable functional paths, and spaces mutually dependent, integrated and coexistent.

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

项目信息 Project Info

设计机构:PADSTUDIO 质感建筑设计

Project name: Halo House
Design firm:PADSTUDIO
Leader designer & Team:
Ma Xuexin, Ma Hongfeng, Ma Jiatao
Project location: Shantou, Guangdong, China
Gross Built Area: 350sq. m
Main materials: Oikos Paint, Fanpin, Rock Slab, Timber Floor
Start time: March 2020
Completion time: January 2021
Construction Side: JINSHOUYI Construction
Photographer: RK.Chen
Video clip:Ma Xuexin

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House

简介 Company Profile

PADSTUDIO 质感建筑设计成立于2015年,坐落于广东汕头。是一支致力于建筑、空间创新性设计的年轻团队。

PADSTUDIO was founded in 2015,Located in Shantou City, Guangdong Province, is a young team dedicated to architectural, space innovative design.

荣誉 Honor

2021 ArchDaily 年度建筑大奖 入围提名
2020 40 UNDER 40 中国(汕头)设计杰出青年
2020 NCA 中国新商业空间大奖 年度杰出新商业空间设计师
2020 NCA 中国新商业空间大奖 年度最美快时尚餐厅设计团队
2020 KAPOK 红棉中国设计奖 室内设计奖
2020 CIID 中国室内设计大奖赛 粤东地区“金十佳”提名奖
2019 IDEA-TOPS 艾特奖 餐饮空间设计类别优秀奖

PADSTUDIO质感建筑设计 | 光晕之家 Halo House




2021-4-21 11:09:38



2021-4-21 17:10:43

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