【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

Edition Office是澳大利亚墨尔本一家屡获殊荣的建筑及室内设计工作室,2016年由创始人Aaron Roberts和Kim Bridgland成立。他们专注于对材料和空间实践的深入研究,赞美勇气和原材料,赞美知识和关怀。将原材料的本质魅力表现的淋漓尽致。

Edition Office is an award-winning architectural and interior design studio in Melbourne, Australia, founded in 2016 by founder Aaron Roberts and Kim Bridgland. They focus on in-depth research on materials and space practices, praise courage and raw materials, praise knowledge and care. The essence of raw materials charm performance incisively and vividly.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Point Lonsdale House

这是一间海滨度假木屋,不同于以往的度假屋的外观,Point Lonsdale更加整体统一。四个连续的拱顶区分室内的每一个区域。简单的造型犹如搭起的积木。白色坡面的屋顶营造出帐篷的既视感,颇有森林探险的氛围。

A seaside resort house, different from the appearance of the pvious resort house, the Point Lonsdale is more integrated. Four consecutive vaults distinguish each area of the chamber. A simple shape is like a building block. The roof of the white slope creates a sense of sight for the tent and a forest adventure.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Outdoor wooden extended to the indoor, floor, wall, ceiling are all wood veneer, simple and warm. The roof of the slope brings rich layers. The transparent indoor pattern forms a good interaction with the outdoor garden.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Indoor soft furniture to black and white, and the overall simple style of unity. With excellent sun and air, its perfect to come here to relax and decompss.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

Melburnian Apartment

Melburnian Apartment位于澳大利亚墨尔本的一座现代公寓,高耸的浅色木材成为公寓的主体,公寓内蜿蜒的曲线呈现出自在、随意的相处模式。抹灰板隔墙为空间带来最简单、平静、精致的生活方式。

Melburnian Apartment a modern apartment in Melbourne, Australia, towering light-colored wood becomes the main body of the apartment, the winding curve of the apartment psents a comfortable, casual way to get along. The plastering board partition wall brings the simplest, calm and exquisite way of life to the space.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Plastering wall back to the original, clean and pure. The soft caramel color brings warm visual feeling.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Light wood and plastering walls continue to the bedroom, light wood color is the only color here. The single color allows people to shift more attention to the experience and details of space.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

Angle Fenwick

Angle Fenwick位于墨尔本Kew的悬崖弯道上,独特的地理位置就注定它的与众不同。领略来自四面八方的无限美景。住宅外观造型以弯道弧线为创意来源,蜿蜒流畅的曲线让住宅与悬崖弯道融为一体。

Angle Fenwick is located in Melbournes Kew cliff bend, the unique geographical location is destined to be different. Enjoy the infinite beauty from all sides. Residential appearance with curved arc as the creative source, winding smooth curve so that residential and cliff bend into one.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


The room has a wide arc balcony, adding asymmetrical beauty to the building. Grand architecture and the environment merge to add natural beauty to architecture. Indoor simple soft wear will also naturally comfortable performance dripping fine.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


The living room and dining room are in an open space, with a thin floor window dividing the indoor and outdoor. The introduction of sufficient sunlight, but also has a panoramic view of the broad. The division between indoor and outdoor is blurred.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬


Both the bedroom and bathroom interact with the outdoors. Modern design simplifies life and makes life more and more natural.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

Napier Street

Napier位于菲茨罗伊一片绿树成荫的地段,这里的文化魅力与历史建筑的保留相关。为了尊重和传承当地的历史建筑风格,Edition Office保留了菲茨罗伊的建筑特点,注入现代主义的风格,成为独一无二的存在。

Napier is located in a tree-lined section of Fitzroy, where cultural charm is associated with the pservation of historical buildings. In order to respect and inherit the local historical architectural style, the Edition Office retains the architectural characteristics of Fitzroy and infuses the modernist style into a unique existence.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

菲茨罗伊历史建筑的重要特点体现在,它们的浮雕图案、外墙的门窗组成以及街道景观的节奏。保留这些基础上,Edition Office通过色彩的简易搭配,搭建成明亮阳光的空间。

The important features of Fitzroys historical buildings are their embossed patterns, the composition of doors and windows on the exterior walls, and the rhythm of the street landscape. Retain these basis, Edition Office through the simple collocation of color, build bright sunshine space.

【Edition Office】向回归自然的现代主义致敬

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignBest

撰文 Writer :Sherry 排版 Editor:Fin

图片版权 Copyright :Edition Office


ArtPartner 新作 简约中的精致生活

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