莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

1951年法国设计学院成立,并创立了誉为世界设计界三大“奥斯卡”工业设计大奖之一的双面神奖“Janus”,在全球工业设计领域中享有崇高的地位。随着全球设计行业多元化的融合发展,法国设计学院针对全球的建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计领域设立了法国双面神GPDP(Grand Prix Design Paris) Award国际设计大奖。旨在发现并表彰在建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计等领域最具创新和创造力的全球最顶尖设计师、知名设计机构及产品商等。中国国际室内设计网作为法国设计学院双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖全球唯一授权战略合作伙伴,为全球设计产业搭建更广阔的交流与合作平台。

▲ Anne-Marie Sargueil女士

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖


莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

▲ 2020 评审团评审视频

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

Theentire sales office combined the architecture and interior spaces to find agame that fits well with the Wind Wanderer as the main thread. There areseveral themes in the game, such as City of Light, Valley of the Wind,Fluorescent Forest, Silver Ice Continent, and Encounter of Light, which alsorepsent several spatial atmospheres.

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

Themain basic colors are coral red plus wood color and warm white. The indoorcoral red gradient skin and functional wooden boxes will connect the space, andthe art corner, audio-visual room, negotiation room and other spatial functionboxes will be put in, forming a flowing space experience, attracting peopleflow and improving the space interactive experience.

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

Thefirst thing that catches your eye is the huge mural in the first void area,which is carefully designed by an illustration designer and covers thedifferent themes of the entire sales office, and is a miniature of the story ofthe entire journey. The different images, divided by stairs, repsent severaldifferent spatial atmospheres. These images bring the overall spatial mood ofthe sales office to the forefront of the eye, leaving a deep memory point.Among them, the rotating time mirror combined with the mural is also a memoryhighlight. When you spin the time mirror, you are starting a journey….

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

莱西天泰城丨荣膺2020法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 国际设计大奖

MOD 墨设建筑设计(上海)有限公司

Foundedin Shanghai (hereinafter referred to as MOD), Moshe architectural design(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a comphensive design team composed of more than 70young and cutting-edge designers with diversified specialties.

MODfocuses on the development of cross-border projects in interior design, softdecoration design, urban renewal and related fields. As a company with activedevelopment in many fields, mod has attracted a group of enthusiastic andtalented designers with different cultural backgrounds to jointly promoteinnovative projects. MOD s design works fully consider the environment andculture where the project is located, as well as the design vision andoperability. From the design concept to the final result, the quality of eachlink is strictly controlled, and the overall situation and details are equallyimportant. Combined with years of design experience, mod has the opportunity toundertake the design of hotel space, office space, commercial space,residential space and club space of various scales.

MODhas a strong interest in integrated projects that can integrate various fields.It is helpful to create a more complete and coordinated work, with passion, payattention to the process, and fully understand the significance of natural andsocial environment in the design. MOD aims to actively add vitality to the citywhere the project is located.


木色书香,广纳生活美学 太谷形上

2021-3-9 21:22:15


以山海之形,抒写极简诗意空间 大森设计

2021-3-10 15:22:57

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