【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

Meireles Pavan工作室由Andre Pavan和Brunno Meireles在2010年组建而成。工作室致力于寻求满足客户需求的最佳方案。在每个项目中,他们除了融入了精巧而富有创意的想法,还将其与众不同的可持续专业知识运用之中。他们在创意过程中强调交互性,从而实现更好的解决方案和美学差异化的建筑解决方案。

Meireles Pavan studio was formed by Andre Pavan and Brunno Meireles in 2010. The studio is committed to seeking the best solutions to meet customer needs. In each project, in addition to incorporating sophisticated and creative ideas, they sustainable expertise. They emphasize interactivity in the creative process, thus achieving better solutions and aesthetic differentiated architectural solutions.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


Apartamento Benedito

Apartment Benedito是一座位于巴西圣保罗Itam中心位置的165平公寓。屋主夫妇常常在家里开派对,邀请朋友家人一起来玩。Meireles Pavan Arquitetura负责此次的改造,目标打造一个更加宽敞的公共区域,同时把握空间设计的平衡度,创造出既要让访客留下深刻印象,又不要过于个性招来反感的室内空间。

Apartment Benedito is a 165 flat apartment in the center of Sao Paulo Itam, Brazil. House owners and couples often have parties at home, inviting friends and family to play together. Meireles Pavan Arquitetura responsible for the transformation, the goal is to create a more spacious public area, at the same time grasp the balance of space design, create not only to impss visitors, but also not too personal to attract antipathy indoor space.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

整个家的家具都采用质感极高的绒面设计,色调以浅卡其与灰色为主,既不会太沉闷也不会过于轻佻。餐厅、大厅与客厅等社交区域都形成一个整体,Meireles Pavan为屋主创造了一个更加宽敞和诱人的居住空间。

The furniture of the whole family adopts the suede design with extremely high texture, the tone is mainly light khaki and gray, neither too dull nor too frivolous. e dining room, lobby and living room and other social areas form a whole, Meireles Pavan create a more spacious and attractive living space for the owners.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


In order to strengthen another architectural method, the circular ceiling brings comfortable light and harmonious atmosphere to the space, and makes the space softer.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


Log products highlight clean features in space, marble and terrazzo floors elegant and durable. The art paint of sucking eyes plays an embellishment effect in wood-colored furniture and adds a young atmosphere to the simple space. Kitchen design is also quite ingenious, in the open space through the sliding door to partition, effectively alleviate the flow of smell.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


空间色调的和谐统一是默认的加分项。相比于利用明亮跳跃的缤纷色彩让空间出彩,Meireles Pavan更擅长运用成熟稳重,低调质朴的中性色打造空间。

The harmony of spatial tone is the default addition. Compared with the use of bright jump color to make space brilliant, Meireles Pavan is better at using mature and stable, low-key neutral color to create space.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


Malt yellow with the original wood-colored dining room table and chair with low saturation lime green, of silent spad in every corner of the apartment. Space is also not without marble figure, Apartamento-Bb appear very introverted literature and art.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

Spot-393在轻松休闲的现代风格中注入了些许增添年轻感的美式元素,对于Meireles Pavan来说,打造设计感与实用度并存的空间并不难。简单明了的版块分布,让人们可以轻而易举的将这间公寓尽收眼底。

Spot-393 in the relaxed leisure modern style has injected some American element which adds the young feeling, for the Meireles Pavan, creates the design feeling and the practicality coexistence space is not difficult. Simple and clear layout allows people to easily view the apartment.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计


Meireles Pavan工作室总能运用简约质朴的设计方法创造出属于都市年轻人喜爱的调性。沐浴着慵懒的阳光,在清新养眼的餐厅与友人闲谈并小酌几杯舒适而又惬意。氛围感十足的用餐地最能俘获人们的芳心。

Meireles Pavan studio can always use simple and simple design methods to create a favorite urban young people. Bathed in the lazy sun, chat with friends in a fresh and eye-catching restaurant and have a few comfortable and comfortable drinks. The atmosphere is full of dining place can capture peoples heart most.

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

【Meireles Pavan】追求原生态质朴的简约设计

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignBest

撰文 Writer :Sherry 排版 Editor:Fin



2021-3-3 23:10:14



2021-3-3 23:11:56

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