Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代


MEI JI FILE Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代 法国 . 巴黎



Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle的作品赞美新鲜,精致和轻盈。最近,她因与成衣品牌Make My Lemonade的紧密合作而闻名,她为凡尔赛宫(Palace of Versailles)以及法国和欧洲的住宅项目做出了坚定的图形作品。

Fleur Delesalles work compliments freshness, sophistication and lightness. Recently, she is known for her close collaboration with the ready-to-wear brand Make My Lemonade. She has made firm graphic works for the Palace of Versailles and residential projects in France and Europe.

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代


Agence Fleur Delesalle于2020年对巴黎第十六区的一栋公寓进行了全面翻新。这间法国工作室在Haussmann的公寓中使用60年代和70年代大胆的设计家具,自己的设计作品和复古元素。尽管风格各异,但亨利·马丁(Henri Martin)项目是一个连贯的整体。

Agence Fleur Delesalle completely renovated an apartment in the 16th arrondissement of Paris in 2020. This French studio uses bold design furniture from the 60s and 70s, its own design works and retro elements in Haussmanns apartment. Despite the different styles, the Henri Martin project is a coherent whole.

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

家具融合了现代,复古和自定义元素。Delesalle使用古董轻元素,似乎总是站在60年代和70年代的家具旁边;设计工作室还使用了大量自己设计的作品,例如客厅的躺椅和茶几,客厅中的餐桌和书柜,卧室中的餐厅和床头板以及青铜门。颜色和纹理巧妙地结合在一起,使公寓的经典,现有风格得到了有趣的提升。Delesalle在Henri Martin中证明,醒目的高端元素不需要中立的背景,但可以很好地补充现有样式。

The furniture combines modern, retro and custom elements. Delesalle uses antique light elements and seems to always stand next to furniture from the 60s and 70s; the design studio also uses a large number of self-designed works, such as the lounge chair and coffee table in the living room, the dining table and bookcase in the living room, and the dining room in the bedroom. And headboard and bronze door. Colors and textures are cleverly combined to make the apartments classic and existing styles interesting upgrades. Delesalle proved in Henri Martin that eye-catching high-end elements do not require a neutral background, but can well complement existing styles.

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代


Fleur Delesalle \ 既复古 亦当代

Fleur Delesalle工作室是由Fleur Delesalle领导的法国设计工作室。她曾在伦敦的切尔西艺术学院和巴黎的ESAG Penninghen学习。在为建筑师兼设计师India Mahdavi工作了6年后,她于2011年成立了自己的工作室。她的名声很高,有多个著名的项目,例如Make My Lemonade精品店的内饰和在印度的教育工作坊的布置。凡尔赛宫,征服世界。

Fleur Delesalle Studio is a French design studio led by Fleur Delesalle. She studied at the Chelsea School of Art in London and ESAG Penninghen in Paris. After working for the architect and designer India Mahdavi for 6 years, she established her own studio in 2011. She has a high reputation and has many famous projects, such as the interior of the Make My Lemonade boutique and the layout of the educational workshop in India. Versailles, conquer the world.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :Mei Ji File

撰文 Writer:Long 排版 Editor:W/fei



2021-3-3 17:09:33


中国台湾南部435㎡豪宅设计 及俬设计

2021-3-3 17:09:52

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