VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

Who handed down the industry as LIGHT at DUST


Crossing all the ado, through the twilight time,shaking off the exhaustion from chasing, returning from extreme movement to extreme quiet, under the bright river, we saw our own shadows.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

“秋水清无底,萧然静客心。” 奔逝的河水,淘尽外在的寻觅与追求,留下明澈而又深湛的本真。

Clear river cleans hearts to be Leisurely. The rushing water has washed unnecessary external demands off, leaving a clear and profound authenticity.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Walls are the grounding of life. The wood grain meets the sunshine, contrasting the warm tea-color leather screen decoration is sedate but not heavy. The intangible Zen mood turns into tangible power. Life is so simple and intriguing, deep but not intoxicating.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Sketching lines condensed unrestraint into modesty. Rebirth, growth, reunion, parting, we are interspersed with each others transitions, involved into lifelines deeply, developing intimacy.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


This is an immeasurable world, and the countless beauty are just like the numerous broken, which are vented in the quiet companionship, resolved by nature, and condensed into the sanity of marble, the clarity of greens, the delicateness of porcelain, and the charm of metal. Mood calms in the pure and warm attribution, with full of joy.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Walking in the time when a flower is blooming, comfortable in the ease of a cup of tea, blooming all the romance of lifein the gap of time.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Observing the world by a perspective view out of order, worries and pssures are isolated from this world, whic producing subtle and complex chemical reactions that penetrate into the primitive realm of life,and attribute to the serenity mundane life.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


If life is a long movie, the theme is return. Freely manifest yourself in the noisy field without conflict and return to an ideal place to settle down.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Meeting an unnamed lawn on 按unnamed river, my heart is full of stretches softly, sings and whispers. The mood then stretched and happily, as if all the dust was throbbing, simple and transparent.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Our expectations and dreams of the living environment are devoted to the yearning for a better life in the future, pure and warm embraces, feelings of belonging, intimacy, affection, friendship, love can transform narrowness into broad-mindedness, fragility into strongness, and smallness into vastness.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


We always say it used to be slow, we should give time to civilization, give life to time, to brush away the complexity, to settle the mood, to think, to think, and to ask, all are here.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所



The vast river is immersed in the clarity of life, and this shortness and smallness make everything that appears in life more shining. I know your lovely and pcious, you tolerate my sensitivity and stubbornness, and the tacit understanding in eyes is all joy.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Giving children an ideal space is to give them wings of imagination. A relaxed and independent environment tells them that home is an eternal harbor, would be care them silently. Even if the future journey is bumpy, the flow of time will not wash away the sunshine in the heart.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


To start a self-disciplined and orderly life, in addition to perseverance, it is also necessary to have a reasonable sorting and storage system, from disorder to order, so that the mind is not overwhelmed and confused by matter. The connotation of life is humor, wisdom, and flexibility, which push people to a certain height of consciousness and pcipitation.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


Where is our heart, have it been laid now? In this turbulent era, the heart that has been left in the distant years has been barren for too long, it is time to stop, find a long-lost wisp of purity,slow in the wide and shallow stream.

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所

项目名称 | 中南锦时林清月雅苑叠墅

项目类型 | 叠墅样板房

业主单位 | 中南锦时

项目位置 | 江苏.镇江

项目完工 | 2020年10月

硬装设计 | VGC韦高成设计

设计团队 | 陈路兵、李慧、熊慧

软装设计 | VGC·上海 – 三人行

设计团队 | 孙静、张心荷、谭琳、黄勇辉、邱慧、许丽萍

特别鸣谢 | 徐森峰、刘晨劼、尹康宸、冷志敏、贾宜康

项目摄影 | 相形摄影

VGC x 中南锦时:极简灰调美学,归原理想安顿之所


人文设计及谨程精绝的探索者 善于思考与践行 注重人与环境相互的关系 平衡于艺术与商业之间的取舍 作品自然而然、化繁为简 细腻温润、富有情感



2021-2-8 23:11:40


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