温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

Matas Nagele

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

Matas Nagele,3DMStudio的首席执行官,一位真正的建筑艺术家,作为一名架构师,可视化师,功能主管和技术培训师,拥有丰富的经验,得到设计界的认可。

Matas Nagele, 3 dmstudio, chief executive officer of a real building artist, as an architect, visual, functional supervisor and technical trainer, with rich experience, received the recognition from the design.

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作


Sitting room with exquisite furniture, agile line, open space for the whole design brings extreme comfortable feeling, in addition to meet the demand of normal life, also will show the art aesthetic.

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作


To experience space of the gorgeous and elegant temperament, with only simple and does not lose the sense of space design, it brings a kind of halcyon noble feeling. Sitting room few ptensions, whole space with the height of the modernist rationally, reduce the display the composition of elements, the color of calm temperament, in the modern minimalist midstream shows the beauty of the freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, Jane and neutral.

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作

温润舒适的极简主义 3DMStudio新作


18 世纪老宅改造,大理石这样用更出彩!

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