Yana Prydalna来自美国,是一位侘寂信徒,童年时期就开始接触日本文化,渴望拥有一个平静舒适的空间,拥有自然的色调,营造出冥想的氛围,有助于创造经久不衰的设计。
Yana Prydalna from the United States, is a – ji believers, childhood started contact with Japanese culture, eager to have a quiet and comfortable space, with natural color, build the atmosphere that gives meditation, help to create enduring design.
侘寂(Wabi Sabi)美学
She through the integration of Oriental minimalism and western aesthetics design elements created his own style of wabi-sabi (Wabi Sabi) aesthetics.
Yana Prydalna最新项目,位于莫斯科的小公寓,创造性的将小空间打造为具有侘寂美的空间,赋予小家独特的灵魂
Yana Prydalna latest project, located in the small apartment in Moscow, creative making little space for a space of wabi-sabi beauty, give small home unique soul..
Yana Prydalna的更多作品
Golden Villa