重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

项目名称 | 水土辰光

业主团队 | 黄禾、马遥、成萌

项目地址 | 重庆北两江新区轨道6号线思源站旁

完成时间 | 2020年6月

空间设计 |JING HE 菁禾设计

陈设设计 | JING HE 菁禾设计

项目摄影 | 远视点影像

特别鸣谢 | 金科重庆区域园林装饰部

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计





Water and earth are shining, based on falling from the sky

A ray of light illuminates the silence of the night, I wanted to give up

There is no way forward in this dark night, but a ray of light appears, guiding me forward

This may be the best implication for the beginning of 2020

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


The design space of the front hall uses deconstructive design concepts to intersperse the design to integrate the space.

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


Like the stars, the lighting blocks collide with the simple ceiling, giving the space a strong sense of continuity and impact. Rolling undulating polylines break the spatial static with flowing rhythm

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


The handicrafts of Jiangnan weaving in the form of white clouds on the wall are also included in the design details to echo the hemp yarn on the window to increase the natural breath, while forming a picture of light and dark, corresponding to the reality. The dark places and imaginary places blocked by the windows not only reflect the scenery beyond the transparent bright places, but also attract the eyes. At the same time leave a gap filled with imagination for the window scene, stimulating peoples desire to watch.

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


The sales office will also be used as a light bar at night, so it has set up a large capacity wine rack. When night falls, the rhythm of the city slows down, the weak candle lights up, the music is melodious, and the colorful wine is sweet, which becomes the current poetic and distant.

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


The logs and hard-enclosed walls integrate the warm and natural temperament into the strong contemporaryity of the space, combining rigidity and softness.

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计

重庆中交金科辰光生活馆:自然与人文相融的设计传承 菁禾设计


GND 恩嘉设计:醉美东方美学,质朴纯粹

2020-9-24 3:22:40


矩阵纵横 青岛旭辉银盛泰·星韵城

2020-9-24 15:22:17

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