0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio




0321 is an open design integration platform based on sustained R-D, actively participating in the interdisciplinary collaboration of the design of architectures, room interiors, exhibition rooms, products, brand and so on.

We rely on intuition and are keen on honesty. We regard more on concepts, practicing the multiple relationships between human and environment through conceptual definitions.

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学


RSociety is an independent floral expssionist with strong self-narrative characteristics. 0321 completed their teaching base in China last year. It is a comphensive use field that integrates training and teaching, brand display, and floral retail. Rs hopes that the designed spatial appearance will demonstrate a brand-new Rs, which simultaneously show the diverse relationship between floral art and space better.

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学


The closed façade cuts off the interior space from the outside world to some extent. What kind of coexistence mode do the extremely vibrant flower plants and cold stone metal have and what possibilities can it bring to floral creation and teaching?

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学


Regarding the way to enter the building, we hope that it is not only in the path of people flow, but also maintains some interesting interaction between the visual and the small forest on the front of the building. Using a narrow entrance and high reflection imaging as a gate to mirror the surroundings can assemble the external changing reality on the clean building façade.

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学


The project is based on two connected asymmetrical spaces. A whole unity is built by using a multi-functional long block and different materials. The retail, salon, operation, reception, and teaching are implemented around the operation table. Integrating storage function, the unit disperses the flow of people and moving positions on both sides of the bar operation table.

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学

0321 studio新作丨混凝土宁静空间质感美学


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