Designed for a young family, this house in northern Kyoto, Japan features a simple and open-plan layout, with 07BEACH approaching the interior as a single space. Having to accommodate complex housing regulations, a double-height living room functions as the heart of the home, with traditional Japanese elements present throughout the overall aesthetic. The open living space was implemented to allow the clients to keep an eye on their three small children, constantly moving about. Once space was allocated for various rooms and parking at the front of the house. There wasn’t enough room left for an adequate backyard, with neighbouring walls in close proximity. Therefore, the architects made the living space double up as an internal courtyard, adding large skylights to the sloped roof in order to maximize direct daylight. To enhance the notion of bringing the outside in, a large indoor tree takes pride of place in the centre of the home. Finding a suitable tree was an initial challenge, with 07BEACH ultimately landing on a ficus tree for its evergreen nature and glossy green leaves.
建筑师解释说:“这棵树应该长得离三个孩子很近,这样可以加强家庭和房子之间的关系,就好像这棵树是家庭的另一个成员。”以在日本具有重要的文化意义的柏木作为主要的室内材料,覆盖了地板,覆盖了天花板,形成了栏杆和隔墙。同样,为了使房间之间的视野最大化,住宅采用了开放的布局,房子的特点是几乎没有实心和不透明的隔墙,取而代之的是用木条形成房间之间的切割划分。 除了窗帘的遮挡,浴室也保持完全开放。浴缸位于主要公共空间的第一层,面向榕树,因此居住者可以享受一个“露天”浴室。由当地一位工匠制作的六种绿色的马赛克瓷砖,创造出一幅像森林一样的壁画,覆盖了浴室的墙壁,进一步与另一个空间的榕树相呼应。
The architects explain, “It is expected that the tree which will grow close to the three children and will strengthen the relationship between the family and the house as if the tree is another member of the family.” Culturally significant in Japan, Cypress timber features as the primary interior material, covering the floors, cladding the ceiling, and forming balustrades and partitions throughout. Again, in favour of an open layout with maximized visibility between rooms, the house features few solid partitions, with timber slats forming screens between rooms instead. Bar the option of a curtain screen, the bathroom also remains completely open. Located on the ground level off the main living space, the bathtub faces toward the tree so the occupants can enjoy an ‘open-air’ bath. Made by a local craftsman, mosaic tiles in six shades of green create a forest-like mural that clads the bathroom walls, a further reference to bringing the outside in.
∇ 平面图
∇ 手绘剖面图
项目名称:House in Kyoto
摄影:Yosuke Ohtake