▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view ©BoysPlayNice
▼入口区域地面由原有建筑留下的古老石头打造,the floor of the entrance area is made of ancient stone left over from the original building ©BoysPlayNice
▼一楼起居区域的旋转楼梯,a spiral staircase in the ground floor living area ©BoysPlayNice
▼起居空间,the living area ©BoysPlayNice
▼位于楼层最高处的儿童活动室,the children’s activity room at the top of the floor ©BoysPlayNice
▼项目模型,model ©Atelier 111 architekti
▼选址平面,site plan ©Atelier 111 architekti
▼首层平面,ground floor plan ©Atelier 111 architekti
▼不同角度立面图、剖面图,elevations and sections ©Atelier 111 architekti
Project location:Prague – Jinonice, Czech Republic
Project year:2016
Completion year:2019
Built-up area:193 m2
Usable floor area:318 m2
Photo credits:BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com
Collaborators:Michal Hamada | construction engineer