IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


▼项目概览,project overview

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


Two layers of the suspended ceilings that hided original lamps and lampshades produced by the Minsk plant “Integral” in 1978. It was a real gem. The task of the architects was to restore the space back to its original view with minimal investments, and to partly save original textures and interior elements.

▼办公空间俯瞰,overlook to the co-working space

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

▼厨房岛,kitchen island

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

▼从休息室望向办公空间,view to the working area from the lounge area

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

新的灯具借助缆绳悬吊在天花板上,与精心修复过的木制面板、砖砌墙壁和镶木地板形成呼应。新元素和旧元素被有意地混合在一起,办公桌、厨房岛和储物空间都是根据建筑草图而特别定制。其余的家具是一些回收来的老式家具,其中大部分取自原先的防火楼梯,包括1970年代设计的Kofod Larser椅子。

The lampshades were hung on cables, while the wooden panels, the end wall’s brickwork and the parquetry were carefully restored. New elements were providently mixed together with the old ones. The work desks, the kitchen island and the storage system were created by special order on the basis of architects’ sketches. Another part of the furniture is vintage, most of it was found among other stuff in the fire exit staircase. It included for example a Kofod Larser chair designed in 1970s.

▼吊灯与精心修复过的木制面板、砖砌墙壁和镶木地板形成呼应,the lampshades were hung on cables, while the wooden panels, the end wall’s brickwork and the parquetry were carefully restored

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

▼灯具和天花细部,lamp and ceiling detailed view

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

▼洗手间,wash room

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios


An important source of inspiration for both teams is a neon quote from the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein: “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

▼霓虹灯标语,the neon quote

IO公司和Stampsy公司办公室,莫斯科 / Archiproba Studios

Architects: Archiproba Studios
Location: Moscow, Russia
Architect in Charge: Tamara Muradova
Area: 400.0 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Olya Eichenbaum


首发 | LOEHR设计,No Office极简办公空间

2019-9-28 7:25:00



2019-10-5 13:50:00

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