CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

这对30岁出头的设计师夫妻有着完全不同寻常的工作方式,他们购买自己喜欢的房子,经常在装修时搬入并居住,然后再出售,然后继续下一个项目。就像Chan Eayrs所说的那样“从内部窥探”。不受客户需求和开发人员压力的束缚,他们的全面、专注的方法——他们一次只在一个家工作——确保了完全的创作自由,并让他们获得了作为设计师的难得的满足感,让他们能够亲身体验自己创造的东西。

Husband-and-wife team Zoe Chan and Merlin Eayrs, the creative duo behind Chan + Eayrs, are true home makers in both literal and figurative terms. Not only do they craft bespoke homes from the ground up, from finding the right site to designing and building it down to the last detail, they also live in the property for a while before selling and moving on to their next project. Untethered from the demands of clients, and the pressure of developers, their holistic, focused approach—they only work on one home at a time— ensures complete creative freedom and rewards them with the rare satisfaction as architects to get to experience what they have created first-hand.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼


Chan + Eayrs的最新住宅Beldi是由伦敦Shoreditch一家旧鞋厂改造而成的阁楼空间,它优雅地展示了他们以概念为导向、以细节为导向的家居设计方法。他们从旅行中遇到的传统四合院中汲取灵感,从他们在马拉喀什结婚时拜访的摩洛哥“riads”,到他们和年幼的女儿一起旅行的苏州;曾经的工业空间被重新想象为一个开放的绿洲,舒缓的简单和手工制作的美丽,在青翠的色调和自然纹理的金碧辉煌:石灰灰泥墙、亚麻百叶窗、石灰橡木刷木器和Beldi tiltry——一种摩洛哥传统手工制作的赤陶瓷砖,住宅的名字就来源于此。

Chan + Eayrs’ latest home, The Beldi, a converted loft space in a former shoe factory in Shoreditch, London, gracefully exemplifies their concept-driven and detail-orientated home making approach. Drawing from the traditional courtyard houses they encountered on their travels, from the Moroccan “riads” they visited in Marrakech where they got married, to those in Suzhou, China, where they travelled with their young daughter, the once industrial space has been re-imagined as an open-plan oasis of soothing simplicity and handcrafted beauty, resplendent in verdant hues and natural textures: lime plaster walls, linen shutters, limed oak brush timber carpentry, and Beldi tiles—a type of terracotta tile traditionally handcrafted in Morocco from which the residence takes its name.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼



The loft occupies an entire floor of a converted factory building, a rare occurrence which was one of the main reasons this site was chosen, along with the abundance of natural light, courtesy of the 30 original Crittall windows on all four sides, and the generous views over the treetops and Leonard’s Church next door. Instead of brainstorming over drafting boards or sketch books, the first thing Chan and Eayrs did when they acquired the property was to take out all of the walls and temporarily live in the empty space in order “to understand the light volumes and temperature at all times of the day”, as they explain.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼



Crafted out of handmade Moroccan tiles in their natural terracotta texture or in a glazed white version, laid out in Basketweave and Herringbone patterns—the latter a reference to their first ever project the Herringbone house—and interlocking geometries found in traditional courtyard houses in Suzhou, China, the loft’s floors are, in the couple’s own words, “a woven visual map of their travels and history”.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼


地砖的土褐色色调与柔和的绿色调色板相辅相成,增强了窗外翠绿的景色,并唤起了人们在树屋里的感觉,这就是这对夫妇住在阁楼里的感觉。开心果色的墙壁和天花板,由石灰灰泥和天然绿色颜料混合而成,窗框是淡绿色的,深绿色的亚麻窗帘是与织布工Christabel Balfour合作设计的,在她的织布机上精心制作,营造出一种触感优美的翠绿氛围。

The earthy terracotta hues of the floor tiles are complemented by a colour palette of soft greens that amplifies the verdant views outside, as well as evokes the feeling of being in a tree house, which is what test-living in the loft almost felt like to the couple. Pistachio-coloured walls and ceilings, made out of lime plaster mixed with a natural green pigment, fennel-green Crittall window frames, and darker green linen shutters, which were designed in collaboration with weaver Christabel Balfour and crafted on her loom, conjure a verdant ambience of tactile beauty.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼



Additional layers of green and blue hues, such as the painted timber cabinets—which were custom made on site for the project along with the panelled walls, doors, kitchen units, and built-in furniture—house plants, and hand-crafted glassware and ceramics, further enhance The Beldi’s textured, tactile and natural feel.


CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

CHAN + EAYRS | 伦敦Beldi阁楼

设计团队:Zoe Chan Eayrs / Merlin Eayrs
摄影:Taran Wilkhu for The Modern House and Toby Lewis Thomas


吾索设计 | 宁波·风格南岸-肆味离尘

2019-9-28 20:06:08


首发 | Tom Mark Henry设计事务所,BISCHOFF RESIDENCE简约住宅

2019-9-30 7:15:00

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