GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

沿着日本御堂筋主干道走到中高层住宅和商业建筑的区域,突然出现了一个住宅区——一栋两层楼的小木屋。YMT-house就位于该区域,面积仅为49.5平方米,开放宽度为4米,深度为11米。 在这种有限的条件下,客户首先要求要有个四口之家的宽敞起居室,然后是私人房间,足够的存储空间和屋顶。为了在满足所有这些要求的同时丰富和改善生活方式,该项目着重于每个房间之间的尺度差异。

Walking down a Midosuji main street to the area with mid-to-high-rise residential and commercial buildings, suddenly a residential area filled densely with two storey wooden houses appeared. YMT-house is located in this area and measures just 49.5 square meter with 4m open width and 11m depth. In this limited condition, the client firstly required spacious living room for family of four, and then private rooms, enough storage, and the rooftop. To enrich and enhance life style while meeting all these requirements, the project focuses on the scale difference between each room.


GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家



Bathroom is located on the ground floor and the living room is on the first and above floor. Step-wise floor in the middle of the room create variety of sight view and it can be used as playground or multi-functional activity space for kids bringing excitement in daily life. A bed room above LDK is just three tatami-mat with storage, and kids’ room is about four tatami-mat with furnished desks and beds for two.


GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家



Half of the upper part of the bed room is a combination storage and study room, the rest of space provide staircase to rooftop. Instead of having handrail, the extended wall creates enclosed space which promote smooth visual axis to the sky while shutting out from gaze of others. As a second living room, this outdoor space can be used for variety of activities such as BBQ or setting inflatable swimming pool for kids.


GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家



Regarding to house structure, there is no corridor but most of the room are connected directly to the staircase. This staircase is not only functioned as a vertical moving line but also provide enclosed space for reading books or having a break. Like a furniture, step-wise floor at the living room and other private rooms including bed room, kids’ room, and study room are made with Japanese cypress where it could get direct contact with the skin.


GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家


∇ 功能分区
GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家


∇ 平面图 & 剖面图
GENETO | 日本49.5平米YMT四口之家

项目名称:YMT House
摄影:Yasutake Kondo


Anna Clark | 俄罗斯一间19世纪浪漫复古公寓

2019-7-5 9:53:19


BIO-architects | 俄罗斯一座建在桥上的住宅

2019-7-5 9:58:07

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